Ilber Ortayli, a Turkish Historian

12 Feb 2024

Ilber Ortaylı is a renowned Turkish historian, writer, and academic who is known for his extensive knowledge of Ottoman history and culture. Born in 1947 in Bregenz, Austria, Ortaylı grew up in Istanbul and studied history at Istanbul University. He later earned a PhD in Ottoman history from the University of Ankara, and went on to teach at several universities in Turkey and abroad.

Ortaylı is the author of numerous books and articles on Ottoman history, including "Osmanlı Barışı" (The Ottoman Peace), "İmparatorluğun En Uzun Yüzyılı" (The Longest Century of the Empire), and "Büyük Constantin ve İstanbul" (Constantine the Great and Istanbul). His writing is known for its depth of research, clarity of expression, and insightful analysis.

In addition to his work as a historian, Ortaylı is also a frequent commentator on Turkish politics and culture, and has been a vocal critic of the government's policies on education and cultural heritage. He is known for his outspoken views on a wide range of issues, and is widely respected for his intellectual honesty and integrity.

Ortaylı published numerous articles focused on diplomacy, cultural history and intellectual history. Some examples are:
Ottoman History
Russian history (e.g. "Romanovs and Constantinople" and "19th century Russian Empire")
Ottoman-Habsburg Relations
German Influence in the 19th century Ottoman Empire (as his masters degree thesis)
Travel writing In the Ottoman Empire
History of Turkish Drama

He also published articles on urban history like Latins of the Pera district of the Constantinople for Istanbul and various historical cities which were once under the Ottoman influence; history of provincial administration focusing on the transformation of institutions in the Ottoman Empire from the beginning to the 19th century.
Ortaylı's contributions to the field of Ottoman history have been widely recognized, both in Turkey and internationally. He has received numerous awards and honors, including the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic, the Order of the Legion of Honor from the French government, and the Presidential Medal of Merit from the Republic of Poland.

  • Tanzimat'tan Sonra Mahalli İdareler (Provincial administration after Tanzimat) (1974)
  • Türkiye'de Belediyeciliğin Evrimi (Evolution of municipality in Turkey; with İlhan Tekeli, 1978)
  • Türkiye İdare Tarihi (Administrative history of Turkey) (1979)
  • Osmanlı İmparatorluğunda Alman Nüfuzu (German influence in the Ottoman Empire) (1980)
  • Gelenekten Geleceğe (From tradition to the future) (1982)
  • İmparatorluğun En Uzun Yüzyılı (The longest century of the Empire) (1983)
  • Tanzimat'tan Cumhuriyet'e Yerel Yönetim Geleneği (Local administration tradition from Tanzimat to the Republic) (1985)
  • İstanbul'dan Sayfalar (Pages from Istanbul) (1986)
  • Studies on Ottoman Transformation (1994)
  • Hukuk ve İdare Adamı Olarak Osmanlı Devletinde Kadı (Kadıs as a legal and administrative figures in the Ottoman State) (1994)
  • Türkiye İdare Tarihine Giriş (Introduction to the history of Turkish administration) (1996)
  • Osmanlı Aile Yapısı (Family structure in the Ottoman Empire) (2000)
  • Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nda İktisadi ve Sosyal Değişim (Economic and social change in the Ottoman Empire) (2001)
  • Osmanlı Barışı (Ottoman peace) (2004)
  • Osmanlı’yı Yeniden Keşfetmek 1 and 2 (Rediscovering the Ottoman Empire) (2006)
  • Kırk Ambar Sohbetleri (Kırk ambar conversations) (2006)
  • Eski Dünya Seyahatnamesi (Travelogue of the old world) (2007)
  • Private and Royal Life in the Ottoman Palace (2014, Blue Dome Press)
  • Yahudilik Tarihi Ahmet Almaz ile 2007 Nokta Kitap

Overall, Ilber Ortaylı is a highly respected historian and intellectual whose work has had a profound impact on our understanding of Ottoman history and culture. His commitment to scholarship and intellectual rigor has made him a role model for historians and academics around the world, and his contributions to the field will continue to be felt for many years to come.

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