Mistakes While Eating Food

2 Jul 2022

Remind someone to stop doing these mistakes while eating 🤨.

Our daily eating habits define our lifelong health conditions. The majority of people are unaware of the silly mistakes they make knowingly or unknowingly every day.

Respect your food, and most importantly enjoy your food😄🙌

Here are some mistakes which we do while eating so avoid these mistakes and live healthy eat peacefully.

1. Watching T.V or Mobile - generally most of the time we eating in front of the tv or with mobile. So eating time this kind of distraction leads mind to various direction. Our mind confused between eating or watching. So digestion get poor

2. Eating too fast - most of the time we eat in hurry because we saying that I've less time I've to reach or go somewhere urgently. Its better atleast you give proper time for chewing food in mouth so saliva help in digestion.

3. Talking too much - while eating don't talk because talking makes problem, food can be stuck in foodpipe.

4. Complaining about food - for that you should tell the person already i love this food much than others and don't do that you're not making food properly. Respect the food and person who made for you.

5. Overeating - Always eat only that you feel hunger. As per ayurved we have to eat on 75 to 80 percent of food rest part can be live empty for digestion.

Hope this article help you regarding your eating way.

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