
15 Feb 2024

It emerged in France. The biggest factor in the emergence of the movement is the Dadaism movement. The founder of Surrealism is André Breton. In 1924, Breton prepared the principles of Surrealism under the name "Surrealism Manifesto" and presented them to humanity. Influenced by Sigmund Freud's ideas, André Breton introduced these ideas into literature and dealt with human beings and society. Automatic writing in the Surrealism movement, where the subconscious is extremely important. According to Surrealists, the subconscious; Society is formed by elements of necessity such as morality, religion and law. The effects that form the subconscious are revealed in various situations. According to surrealists, dreams occur entirely from the subconscious. Surrealist artists, influenced by Freud's psychoanalysis ideas, aimed to reveal the subconscious.
By examining dreams, Freud attributes the abundance of sexual dreams, especially, to the repressed feelings of society, the existence of laws and the attitudes of religions on this issue. Surrealists also say that such dreams are a great indicator, 'in psychoanalysis, hypnotism is a great method of revelation. Surrealists also determined this method and transferred the resulting data to literature. ı method was used. In addition to these ideas, Surrealism also made a difference with its language and stylistic features. Surrealists, who adopted a closed narrative, avoided a narrative that could be understood by everyone. In addition, surrealists wrote their works by ignoring punctuation marks.

Surrealists, who opposed rationalism, used the method of writing as they felt. In this way, the writer will be able to write without setting limits for himself, without being dominated by the mind. Surrealism is one of the most important and influential movements of the 20th century. In addition to painting and literature, surrealist works have emerged in many branches of art. Especially the famous painter Salvador Dali has managed to go down in art history with his remarkable paintings.

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