Oppression’s Silent Cry

5 Sept 2024

In shadows cast by trembling light,
Where voices vanish in the night,
Oppression rises, cold and still,
A force that bends the human will.

Beneath the weight of silent chains,
It stifles cries, it breeds in pains,
A shackle bound to every soul,
With whispers dark that take their toll.

The hand that grips, unseen but strong,
Has held the weak for far too long,
And every dream that dared to fly
Falls lifeless under this cruel sky.

Eyes once bright now fade to gray,
As hope is stripped and cast away,
And hearts that burned with fearless fire
Now tremble in the mire of ire.

The mouths are closed, their words are gone,
No longer can they sing their song.
The joy, the peace, the right to speak,
Are claimed by those who prey on the weak.

The earth bears witness, soaked in tears,
A history of tortured years,
Where rulers clothed in selfish pride
Have kept the truth locked deep inside.

A mother cries, her hands held tight,
As children vanish from her sight,
Her pleas are lost, her anguish mute,
The system strong, her voice refute.

For in the lands where justice dies,
No voice remains, no truth survives,
The walls of power, cold and tall,
Surround the mighty, doom the small.

But still, the spirits dare to rise,
Though crushed beneath, they seek the skies,
In every heart, a flicker burns,
A silent hope that slowly churns.

For though the weight may press and grind,
It cannot break the free-born mind,
The truth will always find its way,
And darkness cannot hold the day.

A spark ignites in trembling hands,
A whisper grows across the lands,
The chains, once feared, begin to crack,
As unity takes what oppression lacks.

The mighty tremble, fearing fall,
For justice speaks, and it speaks for all.
Oppression’s rule, though cold and wide,
Cannot outlast the swelling tide.

In every tear, a seed is sown,
In every cry, a path is shown,
The future calls, its voice is clear,
An end to chains, an end to fear.

The walls will crumble, stone by stone,
No ruler stands on force alone,
And those who once were pushed aside
Will stand with strength, with steady pride.

For in the hearts of all who fight,
There burns a flame, a fearless light,
Oppression’s shadow soon will cease,
And in its place, there will be peace.

So let the voice of freedom ring,
Let every soul with courage sing,
Oppression falls, its reign is done—
The dawn has come, a new day won.

No longer bound by silent fear,
The voice of truth grows strong and clear,
The chains that held, now turned to dust,
The power falls, but rise we must.

For justice lives in every land,
And freedom breathes in every hand,
Oppression’s time is at its end,
And we shall rise, the truth defend.

The walls are gone, the shackles fall,
And freedom reigns, for one and all.

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