
7 May 2023

Shazam is a music recognition app that uses audio fingerprinting technology to identify songs. Here's how it works:

1. Recording: When you use the Shazam app to identify a song, it starts recording a short clip of the audio.

2. Fingerprinting: Shazam then uses audio fingerprinting technology to analyze the recorded clip and create a unique acoustic fingerprint of the song.

3. Comparison: The app compares the acoustic fingerprint of the recorded clip to its database of millions of songs to find a match.

4. Identification: Once a match is found, Shazam returns the name of the song, artist, album, and other relevant information to the user.

The acoustic fingerprinting technology used by Shazam is based on a mathematical model that analyzes certain characteristics of a song, such as the tempo, melody, and rhythm. By analyzing these features, Shazam can create a unique fingerprint for each song that can be compared to its database. The process is very fast and typically takes only a few seconds to identify a song.

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