
31 Mar 2024

It's quite unfortunate how many persons think dey can offer what dey don't have. Was the pretence even necessary. Why clam to have vast knowledge in the crypto space when you don't know now anything. Is it not best you bend down and grabs the knowledge than lay foundation of pretence and deception. what is not there is not there and can never be their by mare wishing. you have to work your way through by bending down and learning. it takes time yes but bend own and do it. life has never been fair with any one and will never be. its been a journey of survival and consistence and of cause hard work. for nothing of value is ever actually gotten free. lets strive to be the best version of our self by constanly seeking to acquire more knowlgde and self developement. learning is a continous process irrespective of your age. lets keep the fire burning.


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