Majlis Nurul Musthofa

18 May 2022

Majelis Ta'lim Nurul Musthofa or better known as Majelis Nurul Musthofa (NM) is a Ta'lim Assembly founded on February 20, 1996 by Habib Hasan bin Ja'far Assegaf. Nurul Musthofa is taken from another name of Rasulullah SAW which means "Light of Choice". Majelis Nurul Musthofa is located at Jl. RM Kahfi I Gg. Mangosteen, Ciganjur - South Jakarta. The Nurul Musthofa Council holds regular recitations for men at sunset every Monday and Wednesday evenings at the Segaf Palace (Gg. Manggis), Friday Maulid Ad Dibai evening public recitations at the Nurul Musthofa Mosque and public recitations around Jabodetabek ba'da isya on tuesday, wednesday, thursday and sunday nights.

2001 Edit In 2001 the Nurul Musthofa Assembly was visited by Habib Umar bin Hafidz and Al Habib Anis bin Alwi Al-Habsyi, who later certified the name of the Nurul Musthofa Assembly and inaugurated it. In the same year, the history of the Prophet Muhammad was first introduced with the recitation of the Qur'an, remembrance and religious advice. Then the assembly grew rapidly, starting from 10 people to become hundreds of people.

2002 Edit In 2002, scholars from Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Malaysia came to visit the assembly. The scholars who gave the knowledge of Allah include Habib Salim Assyatiri, a Sufist who gave a diploma to read 129 times Yaa Latif after praying to the congregation.

2003 Edit In 2003, the Nurul Musthofa Assembly began to move from home to mosques, thus reaching around 50 mosques in preaching religious knowledge by reading the Nasahadiniyyah book, which was written by Habib Abdullah bin Ja'far.

2004 Edit In 2004, the Nurul Musthofa Assembly grew again from hundreds to thousands of people, then added new clerics including, KH. Abdul Hayyie Naim, Ustadz Adnan Idris, Ustadz Imam Wahyudi and many others to spread their knowledge and share their knowledge in the Nurul Musthofa Assembly.

2005 Edit In 2005, the Nurul Musthofa Council inaugurated the Nurul Musthofa Foundation which was chaired by the brothers of Habib Hasan bin Ja'far, namely Habib Abdullah bin Ja'far and Habib Musthofa bin Ja'far and obtained official permission from the Indonesian Ministry of Religion.

2006 Edit In 2006, the Nurul Musthofa Assembly grew rapidly from 50 mosques to 250 mosques in Jakarta. This symbol was accepted by all circles and this year the residence of Habib Hasan Bin Ja'far was also established in Jakarta as the secretariat of Nurul Musthofa.

2007 Edit In 2007, the Nurul Musthofa Assembly established a temporary assembly which was being built on an area of ​​700 meters behind the residence of Habib Hasan bin Ja'far.

year 2019 Edit The Nurul Musthofa Assembly inaugurated the central mosque for Islamic study activities located in Depok City, namely the Nurul Musthofa Mosque. This mosque has 10 domes and 2 minarets and the gate of the mosque is also made low, as if giving the impression that this mosque is open and can be visited by anyone.

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