Cast relation

13 May 2023

In the blink of an eye, there was a thud in the courtyard and Aba Chatshiri, who was lying on the bed, got up and went out to the door. They did not sleep all night. The worry of when Fatfati would come and stand at the door and when he would know what was on his mind throughout the night. Sleep was not like that. It was like taking a nap and waking up like a baby. Even if the eyes were closed, not even half of them were ready to fall asleep. The eyes were closed, but the mind did not allow to sleep. The eyelashes were attached, but they were not ready to be removed. His life was frightened by the fear of what he knew and what he didn't know. If you talk to someone, there was no one else in the house. It has been eight days today, everyone in the house was based in Kolhapur. Bring home Aba was alone in the house to take care of the cattle. Worry was killing him. He moved like a betel nut in a trap. At night, there was no eye for an eye and no soul. As soon as there was a knock at the door, Aba got up in a hurry. Their knees creaked like unoiled hinges. Without the support of his hands, he walked forward. Rushed to the front door.

The hand was folded; But they did not have the courage to open the door by pushing the bar. The hands stopped where they were. Just then the doorbell rang from outside and a voice called out, "Aba, Aba." "Wait, wait" Abba opened the door. His younger son - Mahadev - entered only with Khalman. As he broke his knees, he sat down against the wall. Without looking at him, Abba asked, "How are you, Baba, Dada?" From the lower bar came a voice, "Jerach hi!" "What's wrong?" "No, no, too much to say. No less a name." The disturbed Aba shook like a leaf trembling in the wind. Looking at Mahadev, he asked, "What does the doctor say?" After a sigh, Mahadev said, "I'm going to do the operation." "What?" "They said to do it right away. Hope to save lives if done today or tomorrow. If not, why don't you try." Presenting one hand, Aba immediately said, "Then say 'do'. what a wait See?" Looking up once, Mahadev spoke in a tone of concern, "Aba, do it; But how to do it?" "How do you say?" Mahadev said, "His like this the doctor said, it will cost a thousand. We have to keep that etc. in front of them. So Channi started to rise and Yerwali Hitam appeared. How to match money? I got money that I didn't have. What a cost hi? Each pill costs seven rupees! In the morning, they give a note, they present another note! Now what to inject, then what to apply saline... needles are inserted all over the body, bottles are kept. Do not give two pieces of grass. What a clever, Ardhi chapati charavi, if you say that all the food is going through that water bottle." Baba will do the same maths. Once given the hair in their hands, they do as they say." "That's what's going on now." The condition of the elder child was inquired about. Aba felt that he was a little relieved that he did not get any sad news. A ghor was avoided the mind was worried about what was understood and what was not. Not simple, Mahakalji! She went; But another gloom began; Now how to collect so much money urgently? What a little hi? If there was a thousand, two thousand, anyone could have asked, he could have done it; But a thousand! Who will give? Who to ask? If the society is to be withdrawn, 3-4 thousand will be distributed to the members; Besides, they will have a meeting, then your application will go to them, it will be verified, after it is approved, then the secretary will take a week to draw the check, then pay it in the bank? That's what will happen and that's money Will it fall into your hands? There is no point in going after this society and the bank, if you go after them, you will lose your hand.

Daughter-in-law's forehead will be wiped away, grandchildren will become foreigners. Paige thought of something else. what to do The shopkeepers were giving money to the farmers, and they could lift a little, but now they are going to the sugarcane factory. If sugarcane is planted, the money will not come for four months, the work of the sugar factory will stop for a month! All the wealth of the thieves, the helpats in the name of beating... Come on, it's the turn of the factory to be helpated for the seventeenth time! In that respect, our shopkeeper Tawanap Mugdoom was a million times better. She used to sit on the side of the panjarpola and eat her food; But it could be picked up in advance. In times of trouble, one could go to the door. Who should go to now? Who to ask for a thousand? A new gloom began. Aba got lost in the same thought. The same one Concern began to fill the soul and Mahadeva asked, "Aba, what-have-you-taken, why should we share?" "Kutla's Marda? What do you suggest? The hearth is not yet full." "Then Uta." Thus Mahadev spoke, "I keep the chila. You wash your mouth." "Open, what do you drink! The crisis of Majyafud Dha Hazar has stood as Dutt! Tell me to go to someone's door." "Come on, Dad." So Mahadev said, "If it still appears, let it grow. Are people being asked for money every morning? Do you go to people's doors to ask for salvation?" Abba got up shaking his head. They went to the curtain and filled the hearths. Eyes were cramping with awakening. Take water in the palm of one hand and offer him alms Killed on the eyes. Then he took a piece of roasted tobacco in the palm of his left hand. All these activities were going on mechanically. In fact, he was not interested in any of this. There was only one thought in my mind, how to raise this money? Who should go to? Who should be killed? In the same tone, they also drank their tea. They didn't even know what they drank. When the clouds gather in the sky, a thought flashed in my mind like lightning flashed suddenly, 'What if Devappa goes to Malya?... Aba got a bit nervous. He had given seven thousand to this same Devappa Malya to buy land after a year. He was fed up. He was going to return this amount after supplying sugarcane to the factory. It had been three months since the sugarcane was gone. We took his time, he didn't want to waste his time. Something will do. If he gives seven, the remaining amount can be raised anyway. Feeling such hope, he woke up. Kasabus "Mhadeva, let's see why Devappa is meeting," said Patka. Mahadev nodded and said, "Go, go. Reach him within a short distance from the house. Do something, but at this time say that it is not meant to be. People don't give without putting up a gate." Aba said while coming out, "That's not what I wanted to say. I'm fed up with you." "I have become; But now it will happen.

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