Stranger's Stranger

20 Feb 2024

Oh how the years have gone by so quickly
How the present has left us behind
I look around me and all I see are strangers
People I've never met, people I've outgrown and those that have outgrown me
I stand amidst that whole crowd and I cannot recognise anyone
Not even those I broke my back for
Nor those I ran through the winds with

The familiar had become unfamiliar
The friendly had become either aliens or hostiles
The allies have become milestones
Milestones I use to mark the value of my life
Milestones that I constantly compete against
An all man for himself competition, a lonely one
And now I have become ghost, a pursuer of legacy

But what is legacy? What is power?
If not the feeling of a hare on an icy mountain alone
Unable to call for help, unable to come off that high mountain
Isn't that the goal though? To solely possess power
To not share it with anyone other than the variations of myself
So as the years go by, I will adapt and evolve
Accepting my fate as a lonesome stranger in an even stranger crowd.

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