
28 Jun 2023

In the realm of joy and mirth we find, A season of delight, so kind. A holiday, a precious treasure, Where hearts embrace abundant pleasure. With twinkling lights and snowflakes bright, A world adorned in festive light. Laughter fills the crisp winter air, As carols echo everywhere. From distant lands to home so dear, Friends and family draw near. Embracing love and spreading cheer, In this cherished time of year. The aroma of spices in the air, Gingerbread and cinnamon flair. Tables set with feasts divine, Savoring flavors so sublime. Children's eyes with wonder gleam, As they chase a holiday dream. Their dreams of gifts and snowy play, Bring innocence to this special day. Yet let us not forget the true, Meaning of this holiday too. A time to pause and reflect on grace, In humble hearts, finding solace. For in this season's shining glow, The gift of love we come to know. To give, to share, to lend a hand, And spread kindness across the land. So let us gather 'round the fire, Amidst the carols sung entire. Rejoicing in the bonds we hold, In memories woven, pure as gold. For this holiday, a precious balm, That brings us peace, a soothing calm. A time to celebrate and hold, The beauty of a love untold.

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