
31 Oct 2022

Blood pressure is the pressure created by the body's arteries, which are its main blood vessels, as blood circulates against their walls. When blood pressure is excessively high, it is called hypertension.

Two numbers are used to represent blood pressure. The first number (systolic) represents the blood vessel pressure created when the heart contracts or beats. The pressure in the arteries between heartbeats is shown by the second number (diastolic).

When blood pressure is tested on two successive days, hypertension is diagnosed if the systolic and/or diastolic values are both below 140 millimeters of mercury.

What are the risk factors for hypertension?

Unhealthy diets (excessive salt intake, diets heavy in saturated and trans fats, insufficient intake of fruits and vegetables), inactivity, use of tobacco and alcohol, and being overweight or obese are some of the risk factors that can be changed.

Age over 65, having a family history of hypertension, and having additional illnesses like diabetes or kidney disease are all non-modifiable risk factors.

What are common symptoms of hypertension?

The phrase "silent killer" refers to hypertension. Because it may not have any symptoms or warning indications, the majority of persons with hypertension are unaware they have a problem. It is crucial to periodically assess blood pressure because of this.

Early morning headaches, nosebleeds, abnormal heart rhythms, eyesight abnormalities, and ear buzzing are just a few of the symptoms that can appear. Fatigue, nauseousness, vomiting, bewilderment, anxiety, chest pain, and trembling of the muscles are all symptoms of severe hypertension.

Only by having a medical professional take your blood pressure can you identify hypertension. The process of taking your blood pressure is quick and painless. Although individuals can test their own blood pressure using automated devices, a professional assessment is crucial for determining risk and conditions that may be connected with it.

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