Joker: Madness for Two" climbed the stairs of the Bulgarian box office...

21 Oct 2024

Have you watched "Joker: Madness for Two"? I'm not yet, although I'm a fan of DC and their characters and I really liked the first movie. The low ratings and crushing reviews (including Antonia Rumenova from our team) discouraged me from visiting the cinema for a sequel, which I initially considered unnecessary.
Ако погледнем представянето на "Жокера: Лудост за двама", много потенциални зрители са в сходна ситуация и са се въздържали от гледането на продължението.
Както в кината в Северна Америка, така и на международния пазар то очаквано зае първото място в боксофиса, но победата му е пирова.
В Америка приходите на филма от дебютния му уикенд са дори под очакванията на анализаторите - едва 37,8 милиона долара, а за сравнение с дебюта на първия "Жокера" през 2019 г. дори не можем да говорим - оригиналът тогава изкара цели 96 милиона.
В световен мащаб "Лудост за двама" също е №1 със 77 млн. долара. Така след дебютния - и обикновено най-силен уикенд - лентата с Хоакин Финикс и Лейди Гага има общо 114,8 милиона приходи. И тук идва голямото "но"...
"Жокера: Лудост за двама" трябва да изкара близо 450 милиона долара в световен мащаб, за да не бъде на загуба, твърдят източници на специализирани кино издания в САЩ.
Причината е, че трябва да си върне не само масивният бюджет от 200 милиона долара (в сравнение със 65 млн. за първия филм), но и всичките маркетингови разходи. С други думи Warner Bros. нямат много поводи за смях, освен ако не е пропит с тъга.
But let's pay attention to the Bulgarian box office, where "Joker: Madness for Two" easily topped the ranking of the most watched films in Bulgaria over the weekend with 14,144 viewers and 205 thousand leva in revenue. With the preliminary screenings, the viewers jump to 17,440, and the total revenues so far - BGN 261 thousand. This is not a bad result. For comparison, the winner last weekend and second now - the animated "Transformers: First" - for more than two weeks on screen has been watched by 14,786 viewers and has a total revenue of BGN 207 thousand (provided that it is projected in 3D halls and tickets are more expensive).
If we turn the tape back, however - to the premiere of the original "Joker" in Bulgaria in 2019, we will see that even in Bulgaria the sequel performs worse. In its premiere weekend, the first film about Arthur Fleck, broken by society, was watched by 26,150 people and earned 261 thousand leva, which beats the results of the newly appeared "Madness for Two" by both criteria. Still, the release of the new film by director Todd Phillips is somewhat refreshing for the cinemas in our country, where animation and films for children dominate. And the Bulgarian film "Mermaids" stayed around the top for a long time...
If you are wondering what happens to the Bulgarian influencers who decided to stand in front of a movie camera, their story falls to seventh position in their fourth weekend on screen. In the top 5 most watched films, according to the National Film Center (NFC), this weekend are also the children's film "The School of Magical Animals", the pre-premiere animation "The Wild Robot" and the horror "She Listens":
Title: Viewers (weekend) Revenue (weekend) Viewers (total) Revenue (total) 1. "Joker: Madness for Two" 14 144 205 350 BGN 17 440 261 326 BGN 2. "Transformers: The First" 2340 35 440 BGN 14 786 207 052 BGN 3. "The School of Magical Animals" 2967 34 831 BGN 2967 34 831 BGN 4. "The Wild Robot" 2278 33 726 BGN 2278 33 726 BGN 5. "She Listens" 1987 26 974 BGN 6668 84 563 BGN The interesting thing in the coming days and weeks is how "Joker: Madness for Two" will continue to be presented - both in our country and around the world. For the moment, reaching more than $ 1 billion in revenue worldwide like the original seems impossible. We will tell you about this sad story in more detail in the in one of the coming days.

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