Suicide Solves Nothing (opinion)

31 Oct 2022

Depressed people think suicide is the answer, that it'll solve all their problems and that of their loved ones... But it doesn't. Death is just a corridor, not the door itself. A corridor with several doors amidst it. Death doesn't bring the longed-for peace that the depressed seek, it's not an escape. 

     Rather it is a tormenting Pandora's box for the loved one you leave behind, the problems you abandoned in their hands to suffer alone. Suicide is being careless and irresponsible and unaccountable cause you don't live for yourself alone. Your life is bigger than just you and the sooner you realize that the sooner you face your problems like a GOAT.

     You never know, a miracle might happen to you. And even if it doesn't, it gives you no excuse. It is more honourable to die a warrior's death, in the heat of battle, in the face of your challenges, battling them to the fullest of your abilities. It is more respectable to die fighting than doing so, whining like a sniveling sickling dog. 

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