
23 Feb 2023

Why do you ask? I'm OK, of course.
Oh, please disregard; this is only my mask.

It conceals the sorrow and conflict.
To avoid the knife, I'm wearing this mask.

Keep in mind that my suffering is genuine.
This is how I feel, and I'm not lying.

It can't be true, you remark as you sit there.
It's not for you; it's for me.

You claim that my heart must be a sight, black as night and cold as ice.
It's not my heart; it's merely my soul, but you must want to murder me.

I hope you're aware that you're coming near.
It isn't all that far to go.

I will eventually meet my end.
You'll be able to rip and rend my soul.

But you never inquire, so you don't know.
Never do you look past the mask.

I can tell you by the expression on my face.
I'm wondering what you'll say now.

You have questioned me here, so you now know.
I'm going to remove it and bow.

To be honest with you, I can't do it right now.
I have to continue to act young.

"Why do you ask? I'm OK, of course.
Oh, please disregard; this is simply my mask."

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