My review of guardians of the galaxy Vol 3 (spoilers)

17 May 2023
I would say that this would have to be my favourite of the three guardian movies, yes the others were good but this one was great

Throughout the guardian movies we see that rocket one of the guardian members doesn't like talking about he's past and how he turned into what he is, throughout the movie it shows cut backs to his sad past, rocket was taken away from his family and they did surgery on him making him grow, able to speak, and became extremely intelligent. where he was transformed he found other creatures that have also been changed however it was in a cage. The creatures thought that there creator would be letting them go out to the new world that he is making, but rocket finds out that they were just test subjects, When Rocket finally realises he escapes.

In most movies we don't see a lot of the past and are aways asking ourselves questions, in this movie a quarter of it was explaining Rockets past to inform the audience how and why.

I would give this movie an 8 out of 10 it was very funny and enjoyable to watch lots of action and cool to learn Rockets past as it really helps you understand the movie, the guardians group are great super heroes and a very good acting performance. I would definitely recommend people watch this move its in cinemas now.

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