How to Maintain a Healthy Relationship ? (Part 2)
Sooo hey beautiful people out there , i hope every thing is going will in your life and i wish u a good luck. Sooo this is our 2nd part of how to maintain healthy relationship with anyone in your life , if you havent read the 1st part make sure to read that tooo.
Sooo lets start with todays post.
Trusting Your Partner - Trust is something which cant be bought from the market you have to won itfrom the person. Trust cant be created in one day , itis along process where people dont cheat , respect , and listen to each other, understand each other.
Sooo whenever a situation comes into your life where you get into dilemma about your partner , first make sure that they are your partners and you have been with them from a long time soo you need to trust them first and then analyse the situation whatever it may be .
Sometimes due to trust issues and misunderstandings alot of relationship dies. It was not something like there was not love between them , but they were having trust issues which got bigger with the time and ended with aparting them from each other.