Life in school

23 Feb 2023

We have a daily schedule at school.
We're going to cause a scene in the morning.
Here we are, awake at six in the morning, even though the sun has not yet risen.

We think that going to school is very boring.
We think going to school is such a hassle.
parents assert, "School is fantastic! Now, go!"
Well, what do you know, we say.

We're a minute late, so we must leave.
Half-open eyes and untied shoelaces.
When we get to school, we run into our pals.
The anguish ends at once.

We converse and follow the flow.
Once the bell has rung, it is time to leave.
School may occasionally be stressful for us.
We have to break some rules in order to have some fun.

Talk back to instructors, and we serve detention
Yes, sometimes we get what we deserve.
At other times, they are actually rather wonderful. Sometimes, they are as cold as ice.

They instruct us and lend a hand.
They are always available to talk and to be a friend.
They have a lot of faith in us.
When they are being particularly harsh, just don't.

Never before in the history of school have we had as much hands-on learning through events like camps, experiments, performances, and activities.
We've gained a lot of knowledge and even helped the trees.

Success is failure turned inside out, so keep fighting even when you're being hit the hardest, a wise teacher once remarked aloud.
If you must, take a break, but don't give up.

Some people might view schools as torture devices.
Some people find it difficult to wait until the December holidays, but it depends on how we view school.
Absolutely, without a doubt, school is cool!

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