Why do we need hope?

14 Jan 2024

Hello Bulbers,

Through out the years man have come to understand that the mind is a part of life. Our mind holds us to fo and undo things. The human mind can withhold a person from even trying and can give a person hope to try.

I know this platform may not really be about small life talk about hope, but I really feel that we need to feel the strength and happiness in knowing that something that we are doing or about to do will get us where we want to be. With that in mind we hope.

So many people often think that depression and suicide is caused by an event or occurrence which in some length is true, but what really foster depression which often lead to to suicide is one's feeling that there is no longer any hope and have no need to proceed with life itself. Have you ever thought about what it would have been if someone whose finance and source of livelihood got taken away or destroyed had another way or another choice rather than suicide . Would he or she choose suicide to the alternative?

According to forbes, If you find yourself at a detour, dead-end, or in a place that you would rather not be, you must lean onto hope in order to cope. Hope can look like believing in the impossible, defying the odds, moving mountains, changing lives, embracing uncertainty, healing when you have been hurt, showing up when you could run away, and opening yourself up to possibilities. Hope is not bypassing all fear and sadness such as with toxic positivity. Hope is making it through another day and one more and the next because you are curious about what’s around the corner. Hope is waking up each morning grateful to be alive. Hope is the reason you hang on, your ‘why.’ Hope is a powerful motivator and therapeutic tool. Hope fixes the broken hearted, the lonely, the lost, and confused, and it instills a sense of peace and drive in them so they can move forward. Hope defies logic, sometimes, because the rational brain does not always see a way through, but the heart knows.



A study from Harvard’s “Human Flourishing Program,” recently published said that, Researchers examined the impact of hope on nearly 13,000 people with an average age of 66. They found those with more hope throughout their lives had better physical health, better health behaviors, better social support and a longer life. Hope also led to fewer chronic health problems, less depression, less anxiety and a lower risk of cancer.
Some great men who found the importance of hope speaks of it as the greatest thing any person can have, as by;

  • Charles M. Schulz- “A whole stack of memories never equal one little hope.”
  • Nelson Mandela- "May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears.”
  • Aristotle- “Hope is a waking dream.
  • Sarah J. Maas- “We need hope, or else we cannot endure.”
  • Charles Dickens- “It’s always something, to know you’ve done the most you could. But don’t leave off hoping, or it’s of no use doing anything. Hope, hope to the last.”
  • Michelle Obama- “You may not always have a comfortable life and you will not always be able to solve all of the world’s problems at once but don’t ever underestimate the importance you can have, because history has shown us that courage can be contagious, and hope can take on a life of its own.”


Yes. The impact of hope on our social, mental, and physical well-being is widely documented. Positively correlated with higher satisfaction rates, the consensus is that hope serves as a buffer against negative and stressful life events. But a survey of existing research on hope suggests that it serves as more than a buffer.

studies have shown that individuals high in hope demonstrate better athletic, academic, occupational, and health outcomes. But why do hopeful individuals not simply feel better but seem to have measurably higher levels of achievement and even report better health?



Envisioning Your Life:
  • Figure out how you want your life to look. People often struggle to hope for a better tomorrow because they don’t know what it might look like. Before you can have hope it might be necessary to first figure out what type of life you imagine as the most desirable. Take some time to consider your ideal life and what it would include. Ask yourself: “If I could wake up tomorrow and have any life, what would it be like?” Think about as many details as possible. What would your house look like? What would your friends be like? What kind of activities would you participate in? You may find it helpful to write out your vision for your life so that you can review it and revisit it from time to time.

Compare your ideal vision to your present life circumstances:

  • After you figure out what kind of life you would like to have in an ideal world, compare that life to your present life circumstances. Doing so can help you to determine what areas of your life are already in line with your vision, or if you are headed in the right direction. For example, if you envision yourself 40 pounds thinner, consider what you are doing right now to get you to that goal. Are you eating healthy foods? Controlling your portions? Exercising regularly? What do you need to move closer to your vision? As you reflect on your life, consider your current circumstances. Have any of the aspects of your ideal vision already been manifested in your life?

Consider whether you have realistic or unrealistic expectations for your life:

  • In order to have hope, it is important to make sure that the vision you have for yourself is realistic. If your vision is not realistic, it may cause you to feel hopeless. Consider your vision for your life and try to determine if your vision is realistic. If not, you may need to make some adjustments so that your vision is something that you can achieve. For example, imagine your vision is to be a millionaire, but you don’t know what type of job you would want to get you there. In this case, you should consider starting with goals that are more relevant to your current life conditions.

Set some goals for yourself:

  • Having goals to work towards is one of the best ways to have hope. After you have developed a vision for your life, take time to set some goals. Write your goals out and work hard to achieve them. To improve your chances of reaching your goals, make sure that the goals you set are SMART goals. This acronym stands for the following features;

●Specific: The goal is targeted rather than broad and/or vague
●Measurable—the goal can be quantified (measured with numbers) ●Action Oriented—the goal is something that you can actively work towards and control
Realistic: The goal is something you can actually achieve with the resources available to you
Time Bound: The goal has a beginning and ending or a deadline that you will hold yourself to.

Well as far as I might go with this, it would be stating something you already know about. If only we could diversify our source of income by engaging in numerous businesses and financial platforms that will grow our mind and increase our sense for hope. For years now depression and stress is growing more and lots of people are getting depress even with the large number of advice rendered on the Internet and social media platforms. Is it to say that this advice are not valuable or true? No it simply due to the change In the ways of the society. Now the thinkers control the strong and the advice you receive about how to solve the problems you are facing is just temporary. We should think about it this way, if you only plant for a day you will only eat for a day.

We should try and engage in platforms that build our minds to think of permanent solutions and bring us hope of a better future rather that that which brings us a day's meal. I will leave you with these words of Samuel Smiles when he said, “Hope is the companion of power, and mother of sucess."

Credit: Adobe Express.


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