Here are some relaxation techniques to keep you centered. Enjoy and don't forget to smile today 😄
I am going to take a stab at writing a second blog now. I hope that it helps someone. I want things that I write to be positive and spread happiness. I want to make people smile because one thing I always say is your smile might be the only smile someone sees today so make your smile count.
One of the things I do for living is work with clients and help them learn relaxation techniques. So in case you are anxious or stressed please keep reading to learn two new ways to release that stress
The first relaxation technique I want to review with you is deep breathing. I actually have a fantastic deep breathing worksheet for kids I will share in another blog.
You might ask why deep breathing helps. The reason why deep breathing works is because our fight-or-flight response triggers symptoms throughout the body, including rapid and shallow breathing. Deep breathing works by deliberately taking slow and deep breaths, which reverses this symptom, and triggers a relaxation response.
As an added benefit to deep breathing is that it also acts as a form of distraction from the source of negative emotions.
Here are some steps for deep breathing
- Sit back in a comfortable position.
- Breathe in slowly through your nose. Time the inhalation to last 4 seconds.
- Hold the air within your lungs, but not to the point of strain.
- Pucker your lips, and slowly exhale through your mouth
- Repeat the breathing cycle for at least 2 minutes.
Another great relaxation technique is called progressive muscle relaxation. Progressive muscle relaxation works because during the fight-or-flight response your muscles will unconsciously become tense. PMR works by increasing awareness of the tension that occurs during stress, and then consciously releasing that tension. This process creates a feeling of relaxation—both physically and emotionally.
Steps for PMR
- Sit back or lie down in a comfortable position.
- Beginning at your feet, notice how your muscles feel. Are they tense, or relaxed?
- Tightly tense the muscles in your feet by curling your toes. Hold the tension for 5-10 seconds.
- Release the tension from your feet, and allow them to relax. Notice how different the states of tension and relaxation feel.
- Move up your body, repeating the cycle of tensing and relaxing each group of muscles. Be sure to practice on the following groups of muscles: legs, pelvis, stomach, chest, back, arms, hands, neck, and face.
- Practice daily. PMR does not have to be used “in the moment” because its positive effects are long lasting, but it should be used regularly.
One final relaxation technique I want to mention here is mindfulness meditation. This is one of my favorite relaxation techniques. Jon Kabat-Zinn—a leader in the field of mindfulness and health—has defined mindfulness as "paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally." This means consciously paying attention to our senses and our feelings, without further judgement.
in my next blog I will review mindfulness meditation. Until then be safe and spread positivity and love wherever you go.
also in a future blog I will show you a deep breathing for kids worksheet. It is fantastic