What is this blockchain?
What is this blockchain?
There will be two definitions. One is simpler and more understandable, the other is more corporate.
simply blockchain
Let's have a game, Mega and his friends' game changes, they can't fit everything in the game into a notebook. As each player adds something to the notebook, they create a link between the pages of the notebook. This is what blockchain is like! Think of a digital notebook, but here computers do the writing and drawings. Each text and drawing becomes a block. If Mehmet is adding a block, what is written in this block? If a friend adds another block, he also writes what he did. The best thing is that no one can delete everything written at once. For example, Megan said, "We played our best today!" wrote, no one can change this. Each new block builds on the previous one and thus everything is recorded. Now, think about this notebook, but this notebook is connected to the internet. So everyone can see the same notebook. Thanks to Blockchain, everyone's life becomes safe and unchangeable. This system is used to transfer money in banks, vote, or track where things come from. So blockchain is like a big digital game book that is played together! The data representing bitcoin, the first product of the blockchain, is loaded into blocks, and when the block is released, this data carries out the commands in the chain. That's why miners love finding blocks because the reward rate is higher
Bitcoin as boring
Blockchain is an advanced technology that enables secure and transparent tracking in the digital environment. Essentially, this structure, which consists of the ongoing chain formation of an array, is a decentralized database system. Each block contains previous changes in progress, so every change in the system is instantly updated. One of the most important solutions of Blockchain is being released. The parts and cryptographic software between the blocks make them almost impossible to change. This enables widespread coverage, from financial transactions to health records, from supply chains to voting. Decentralized structure allows for the elimination of tools and reliable data sharing directly between users. However, they can speed up business processes, reduce costs and are more transparent ecosystem systems. While blockchain shaped cryptocurrencies (e.g. Bitcoin and Ethereum), many products today are used for secure and effective data management.