How to gain social status.

18 Apr 2023

What determines status.
Our status is determined by how much value we bring to a social circle.
We understand this through observation. In the NBA, the best basketball player is of highest status. In a company, the CEO has highest status. Switch the social circle and put the CEO in the NBA, and we can expect their status to drop dramatically.
Why is that?
Because the NBA does not value CEO traits. What matters is how good you are at basketball.
How to increase status.
Determine what the social circle values.
Show that we have something it values.General things that are highly desirable among all circles. Intelligence, beauty, money, etc. Having these things increase status among all social groups. Hence, they are highly sought after.
Domain-specific things. Being good at basketball, being a great singer, etc. If we possess these domain-specific things, the right social circle will reward us with high status.
The best way to show value is to be valuable. Obtain what is valuable to the group. Learn how to communicate, how to lead, how to make good decisions.
Build the skills. Raise your value. Ensure the group knows.
Do this, and the group will reward us with status.
Show that we have something of value to high status individuals in a given group. People with high status are valuable to the circle. If we can influence people with high status, the group infers we are valuable.
Warning: Don’t try too hard.
We have evolved to tell whether someone is of real value or is faking it for status. Once labeled as someone who fakes value signals, any value added to the circle will be met with skepticism.
Avoid low status behavior.
Someone low status either
A. Don’t have any value to the social circle.
B. Don’t signal their value.
For people who don’t signal, find subtle ways to show value to the group. Don’t try too hard though, as it may be confused with fake signaling. Over time, social circles tend to discover our value.
The problem is people with no value to the social circle. The more a social circle believes you have no value, the harder it will be to gain status.
When stuck in a low status position, don’t stay there.
Disappear from the group. Speak less. If what we say is not of value, don’t speak. This avoids being cemented to a low status position.
Until we know what is valuable to the group and how to deliver it, keep the group guessing.
Beware of trying to gain status in the wrong groups. This will develop undesired behavior. If the group gives status to whoever drinks the most alcohol, that is not a good group.
Lastly, if you have value but the group doesn’t acknowledge it, leave.
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