Losing friends as you grow up is a sign of Growing up

15 Oct 2024

Good Morning Bulb Family!

Greetings, everyone!


Hello family. Another morning and another day started to shading slowly. Life moving fast, following the path laid out for us. We’re embracing new forms, pushing aside the unnecessary, while negotiating new possibilities and leaving behind what no longer serves us. This modern era teaches us not to get too emotionally attached to things or to people. The more we cling to gadgets, possessions, or relationships, the more we expose ourselves to pain.

As we grow older, we notice that the people we cherish fade from our lives not necessarily due to death, but because we no longer need them as we once did. Take friends, for example. How many of your childhood friends are still in your life today?
This single question could summarize everything I’m trying to convey.

Note: This article is also published on my read.cash account.

Now, I think it's time to delve into today's topic. But before I begin, if you haven't checked out my previous articles, I encourage you to do so.

Let's Talk About Fear

Losing friends as we grow up is a sign of maturity. People often say this, and now I believe it too. I had plenty of friends during childhood friends I played with and shared everything. I’m not talking about toddler years but the age of 5 or 6 when we start remembering things. Before school, I had neighborhood friends, some of whom went to school with me, which was a blessing. We remained close, sharing moments before and after school. And every year, I made new friends. My circle grew through primary school, high school, and even into college and university. The list of friends kept growing.

We’ve all experienced this. Every year, new names are added to our list, new people and new experiences. But everything has its season. Eventually, those growing numbers start to dwindle. Life, in its way, shows us how things change. We become busier, and time with friends and even family becomes limited. It’s not entirely our fault our friends are also caught up in the same race, striving to keep up with this fast-paced world.

The change seems subtle, but the truth is, we’ve grown up. We no longer feel upset when we haven’t seen our friends in a long time, or when they don’t return our calls. We’ve done the same to them. We’ve all grown more understanding, making excuses for one another, and surprisingly, no one takes it personally. That’s the reality of growing up. We’ve adjusted to the new rhythm of life and now, we simply follow the flow, like a rule we’ve all come to accept.
We feel the loss when we realize we’re alone. We sense the nostalgia when we see children walking to school, arms slung around each other, just like we once did. It hits hard. Yes, we still have friends, but far fewer now. The growing up process has lessened our emotional attachment, even to the friends we’ve lost along the way. Remember what I said at the beginning about how we grow less attached to everything? The same applies to friends. That’s the essence of growing up. As we rise in life, we find fewer people beside us whom we still call friends.

Life has given us much, fulfilling many of our dreams, but everything comes with a cost. The price of growing up is losing friends. They’re still in our lives, but in smaller numbers. Our busy lives, our pursuit of opportunities, have led us to shed many things. Look back and think about how many people you once called a brother or sister. Make a list. You’ll find memories and maybe a few tears. That’s life, my friends.

Ending Thoughts

Until we meet again, stay curious, stay connected, and above all, stay true to yourself.
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