How to successfully setup incentivized Namada Shielded Expedition (SE) Node
In this article, I will guide you to They have already selected >10k Pilots and >100k Crew for this testnet. If you are not selected then you might want to skip this one.
Introduction to NamadaNamada is a privacy-for-assets centric blockchain using zero-knowledge proof technology. Namada’s cryptographical features give users asset-agnostic, interchain privacy, and is being built by the Anoma foundation.
Key Innovations:
- Zcash-like transfers for any assets (fungible and non-fungible)
- Rewarded usage of privacy as a public good
- Interoperability with Ethereum via a custom bridge with trust-minimization
Hardware Requirements for Validator:
RAM: 16 GB
CPU Cores: 4
SSD Storage: 1 TBBuy VPS:
The system specification requirement for running this node is not very high. You can go ahead with minimum plan available with VPS provider. For reference, I am using Contabo here but you can go with others like VPSDime. If you want to pay by Crypto use PQ.Hosting.
Select VPS 3 plan with Docker App pre-installed on Ubuntu 22.04 in Contabo. Don’t forget to save the Password.Wait for the emaill for IP address before proceeding to next step.
Connect to VPS:
- Install Putty:
- Open Putty and add IP address then click Open:
- Login as: root
- Paste VPS password saved while buying VPS (right click to paste in Putty)
Download CometBFT
mkdir -p $HOME/.local/bin curl -sL | tar -C $HOME/.local/bin -xzf- cometbft
Install Rust
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh -s -- -y source "$HOME/.cargo/env"
Build Tools
sudo apt -q update sudo apt -qy install make git-core libssl-dev pkg-config libclang-12-dev libudev-dev build-essential protobuf-compiler sudo apt -qy upgrade
Build Namada Service
cd $HOME rm -rf shielded-expedition.b40d8e9055 git clone -b v0.31.0 shielded-expedition.b40d8e9055 cd shielded-expedition.b40d8e9055 make build-release for BIN in namada namadac namadan namadar namadaw; do install -m 0755 target/release/$BIN $HOME/.local/bin/$BIN; done
Create SystemD Service
sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/namada.service > /dev/null << EOF [Unit] Description=Namada node [Service] User=$USER ExecStart=$HOME/.local/bin/namada node ledger run Restart=always RestartSec=10 LimitNOFILE=65535 Environment="CMT_LOG_LEVEL=p2p:none,pex:error" Environment="NAMADA_CMT_STDOUT=true" Environment="NAMADA_LOG=info" Environment="PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin:$HOME/.local/bin" [Install] EOF sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl enable namada.service
Initialize the Node
export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH namada client utils join-network --chain-id shielded-expedition.b40d8e9055 # --genesis-validator bengt export CUSTOM_PORT=266 sed -i \ -e "s|^proxy_app = \"tcp://\"|proxy_app = \"tcp://${CUSTOM_PORT}58\"|" \ -e "s|^laddr = \"tcp://\"|laddr = \"tcp://${CUSTOM_PORT}57\"|" \ -e "s|^laddr = \"tcp://\"|laddr = \"tcp://${CUSTOM_PORT}56\"|" \ -e "s|^prometheus_listen_addr = \":26660\"|prometheus_listen_addr = \":${CUSTOM_PORT}66\"|" \ $HOME/.local/share/namada/shielded-expedition.b40d8e9055/config.toml
Start Service and Logs
sudo systemctl start namada.service && sudo journalctl -u namada.service -f --no-hostname -o cat
Now wait till chain becomes active.
I will update the post on the go.