Weak Metabolism

2 Oct 2022

If the metabolism is slow or week in the body, then the things you eat will not be converted into energy and will be stored as fat in the body. Slow metabolism is unable to burn calories as well as is necessary for many bodily functions such as breathing or maintaining hormonal balance.

Due to its slowness, it causes many serious diseases like diabetes to weight gain. Slow metabolism also leads to extreme tiredness and weakness. So let's know how you can recognize that your metabolism has become weak.

Weak metabolism symptoms
  • Rapidly increasing weight or not losing weight easily
  • excessive fat accumulation on the waist
  • dark spots on neck
  • Feeling very tired, lethargic, and weak, especially when you wake up in the morning
  • always having pain in the body
  • Sudden excessive hunger, feeling hungry soon after eating
  • urge to eat sweets
  • disinterest in any work
  • not wanting to exercise or getting tired immediately
  • How to Boost Metabolism

Do exercise: Do cycling, walking or swimming. Remember if you are active then your metabolism will also be activated.
Diet: To boost metabolism, high protein diet should be taken such as egg, milk, cheese, chicken, fish, seafood and meat. Protein converts fat into muscle and makes it strong, hence weight control is also maintained.

Keep the level of iodine right: To improve metabolism, the level of iodine should also be balanced. Therefore, eat such things in which iodine is high. Eat iodized salt, milk products and egg whites and fish. In addition to iron, take calcium-rich things. For this you can take milk, cheese and dairy products.

Ginger: Activates metabolism very fast. It is also effective in reducing weight and blood sugar. The habit of drinking any hot drink made from ginger will boost your metabolism.

Green vegetables: Eat plenty of leafy green vegetables. Eat whole grains soaked. Such foods are good for your digestive system as they are slowly digested. Water also has a big hand in maintaining good metabolism. This removes all the bacteria from the body and at the same time boosts the metabolism.

Have a healthy breakfast on time: Never stay hungry for a long time and don't skip breakfast. You should have breakfast within about an hour after waking up in the morning. Metabolism slows down by skipping breakfast in the morning.

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