Earn rewards for Social Media Engagement

27 Jun 2024

What is RewardQuests?

RewardQuests is new kind

Telegram bot designed to gamify social media interactions, specifically on Twitter. By participating in "tweet raids" and completing various tasks, users can earn cryptocurrency rewards, fostering a symbiotic relationship between content creators, their audiences, and the broader crypto ecosystem.

Key Features of RewardQuests

  1. Automated Tweet Raiding: Users receive instant notifications about new tweets to engage with, streamlining the process of participating in social media campaigns.
  2. Secure Wallet Integration: Each user is provided with a secure, automatically generated and managed crypto wallet, ensuring safe storage of earned rewards.
  3. Dual Reward System: Participants earn both platform-specific points and global Onchain XP, offering flexibility and cross-platform benefits.
  4. NFT Badge System: Users can collect unique badges (NFTs) for completing specific tasks and reaching milestones, adding a collectible aspect to the engagement process.
  5. Dynamic Leaderboards: A competitive element is introduced through leaderboards, encouraging users to increase their engagement and climb the ranks.
  6. Cross-Platform Integration: While currently focused on Twitter, RewardQuests is designed with the capability to integrate seamlessly with multiple social media platforms in the future.
  7. Referral Program: Users can earn additional rewards by inviting friends to join RewardQuests, fostering organic growth of the community.
  8. Daily Missions: Regular tasks keep users engaged and provide consistent opportunities to earn rewards.

How RewardQuests Works

  1. Registration: Users start by registering their Twitter handle with the RewardQuests bot.
  2. Engagement: The bot announces new tweets to raid. Users engage by liking, retweeting, and commenting on the specified tweets.
  3. Verification: Users confirm their participation by replying to the bot with the keyword "raided".
  4. Reward Distribution: Upon verification, users earn points and XP, which are tracked in their profile.
  5. Leveling Up: As users accumulate XP, they level up, potentially unlocking new rewards and badges.
  6. Redemption: Earned points can be converted into cryptocurrency rewards, stored securely in the user's Ethereum wallet.

The Technology Behind RewardQuests

RewardQuests leverages a robust tech stack to ensure smooth operation and security:

  • Blockchain Integration: Utilizing Ethereum for secure transactions and NFT issuance.
  • Smart Contracts: Ensuring transparent and automated reward distribution.
  • API Integrations: Seamless connection with Twitter's API for real-time engagement tracking.
  • Secure Wallet Generation: Automated creation of Ethereum wallets for users.

Tokenomics: RQT Token

The RewardQuests Token (RQT) is the lifeblood of the ecosystem, facilitating rewards and platform services:

  • Total Supply: 1,000,000 RQT
  • Pre-Sale Allocation: 300,000 RQT
  • Team and Development: 200,000 RQT
  • Marketing and Partnerships: 200,000 RQT
  • Rewards Pool: 200,000 RQT
  • Community and Ecosystem: 100,000 RQT
  • Initial Price: 1 RQT = $0.10
  • Accepted Currency for Pre-sale: SOL

Roadmap: The Journey Ahead

Q2 2024:

  • Official launch of RewardQuests on Telegram
  • Initiation of user acquisition campaign
  • Implementation of core features and reward system

Q3 2024:

  • Establishment of key partnerships with influencers and brands
  • Launch of pre-sale campaign
  • Expansion to additional social media platforms
  • Introduction of advanced engagement features

Q4 2024:

  • Release of RewardQuests 2.0 with enhanced capabilities
  • Implementation of cross-platform integration
  • Launch of mobile apps for iOS and Android

Q1 2025:

  • Introduction of AI-powered engagement optimization
  • Expansion to global markets
  • Launch of RewardQuests DAO for community governance

The Impact of RewardQuests

RewardQuests is poised to make significant waves in both the social media and cryptocurrency spheres:

  1. For Users: RewardQuests offers a new way to monetize social media activity, turning everyday engagements into potential income streams.
  2. For Content Creators: The platform provides a powerful tool to boost engagement and reach, helping creators grow their audience more effectively.
  3. For Brands: RewardQuests opens up new avenues for marketing and user acquisition, allowing brands to incentivize engagement directly.
  4. For the Crypto Ecosystem: By introducing more people to cryptocurrency through everyday social media use, RewardQuests could play a crucial role in wider crypto adoption.

Getting Started with RewardQuests

To begin your journey with RewardQuests:

  1. Join the official RewardQuests Telegram group.
  2. Register your Twitter handle with the RewardQuests bot.
  3. Start participating in tweet raids and completing daily missions.
  4. Watch your rewards accumulate and level up your profile.
  5. Engage with the community and refer friends to maximize your earnings.


RewardQuests represents a bold step forward in the integration of social media and cryptocurrency. By gamifying social engagement and offering tangible rewards, it creates a win-win situation for users, content creators, and platforms alike. As we move into an increasingly digital future, projects like RewardQuests are paving the way for more interactive, rewarding online experiences.

Whether you're a social media enthusiast, a content creator looking to boost engagement, or a crypto investor seeking the next big innovation, RewardQuests offers something exciting. Join us on this journey to revolutionize social media engagement and unlock the potential of your online activities.

Stay tuned for more updates, and get ready to embark on your RewardQuests adventure!

You can find the site and docs here : https://rewardquests.com

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