
23 Nov 2022

I would daub the hillsides with yellow paint and cover them in gorse if I could use a brush to paint the moors and mountains.
I would choose the finest needle and the deepest green thread.
And run a bracken line parallel to the ground. In-between

In the hollows, I would spread a purple carpet of wild heather, and I would trim the edges of every wooded area with their lovely lilac bells.
I would combine the bracken and the heather, blending their hues to create a sea of green and purple on my own ornate tapestry.

After that, I would take a ball of soft, white wool and sew a number of daisy chains along the sides of winding paths and around beautiful green meadows.
Like immaculate white porcelain cups, I would draw delicate water lilies and beautiful buttercups alongside the ponds on the marshes.

Onto nature's colorful canvas, my own rich tapestry, I would plant wild and free poppies in a mixture of orange, red, and yellow.

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