A birthday wish
Every year I question myself how my new age is going to be
Because being better than the previous year means a lot to me
When my birthday comes I make many wishes that sometimes aren't granted
It's kind of sad because I usually get less than I had ever wanted
So this year, I have decided to limit my wishes to just a few
And hopefully, maybe they might come true
I want to see success more often 'cos I'm tired of watching my plan A to C fail
It's not too much to ask for when all my life I've been through and seen hell
The voices in my head keeps me up at night countless times
Seems normal?. No, that's why I wish for a peace of mind
'Being able to afford what I want' is definitely my greatest wish
Therefore being financially stable is what I'm trying to accomplish
As I pray this day should be a great day,
I wish myself the happiest birthday.
P.S: I wrote this last year