What is FREEDOM?

26 Jan 2024

1️⃣ Negative Freedom: Freedom is examined in three main aspects. In the previous class, only the first two parts were discussed: positive and negative freedom. This distinction dates back to thinkers like Benjamin Constant and Isaiah Berlin, but the classification is inspired by Quentin Skinner. Negative freedom means being free from something (freedom from).
The central theme here is interference, which can be internal or external. External barriers include physical obstruction (Hobbes), followed by the coercion of will (Locke and Bentham). Internal barriers involve societal influence on decisions (Mill), false consciousness (Marx), and the influence of Freud.
2️⃣ Positive Freedom: Positive freedom is the freedom to do an action, or freedom to... The argument here is that the action itself liberates us (self-realization). Isaiah Berlin criticizes this, and those interested can refer to his essay "Two Concepts of Liberty." Thinkers like Aristotle (zoon politikon), Hegel, Augustine, and Arendt present arguments in favor of positive freedom.
A Third Option? In the Anglo-Saxon political theory tradition, the discussion typically ends here. However, Quentin Skinner and Phillip Pettit argue for a third understanding of freedom, namely neo-Roman (Skinner) or Republican (Pettit) freedom. This will be discussed in the next class, and a summary will be shared here.
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