A Lie Has No Legs

1 Oct 2024

Good Morning Bulb Family!

Greetings, everyone!


Do you ever tell lies because they seem easier, a way to escape from something? Yes, I’m asking you, my friend. Do you lie like that? I don't have the answer. Maybe we all have at some point, right? Sometimes to make someone feel better or just for fun. But have you ever thought about the consequences of that lie? What might happen because of it? Maybe you haven’t.

The problem often begins the moment you give someone a hint of hope with that lie. It can inspire them to chase something they shouldn’t be pursuing. A simple lie can open a forbidden door for them. I’m not saying you’re pushing them toward something terrible, but who knows? Maybe even a small lie can have a big impact on someone.
No lie should be told, my friend, because it’s wrong. And no wrong has ever brought good to anyone.

Note: This article is also published on my read.cash account.

Now, I think it's time to delve into today's topic. But before I begin, if you haven't checked out my previous articles, I encourage you to do so.

Time, the old Gipsy Man

A lie has no legs, dear. It can create many, though. It spreads its unknown and countless legs, leading to more problems around us. If you study biology, you may have heard about amoebas, which can take any shape. Lies are like that—morphing into anything. They harm us and bring out the worst in us, pushing us to lie more and more. Lies never stay in one place like the truth. Let me explain further.

We lie to hide things from others; it’s a normal part of being human. People lie when they’ve done something wrong or to impress someone. To conceal the truth, we cover it with lies. But we all know the power of truth; it eventually prevails. To avoid getting caught, we add more lies, wrapping the original lie in more falsehoods. It never ends until we find a way to bury it forever. That’s how the empire of lies grows.

We lie in simple ways to make things more interesting or to hide a serious mistake. It starts with one reason and quickly becomes tangled in complexity. We start to feel like it’s an art form. A good liar can seem like an artist in their own right. Don’t take my word for it without considering some facts. Here they are:

Lie to Hide

This is probably the main reason people lie. To cover up a specific incident, we create lies. This isn’t just a modern thing; people have been doing this throughout history and will continue to do so in the future.

Lie to Impress

This is especially true in relationships. People often lie to impress their partners. They make impossible promises, swear on things or people, and deny the truth. It’s astounding how many lies can exist in a single relationship! I might need to write another article on this topic.

Lie to Grab Opportunity

We’ve all done this at some point. It may start as a small lie, but in the end, we’re all guilty. For example, a colleague might lie to a boss to gain advantages or secure a project, possibly fabricating a situation to get what they want.

Lie to Live Peacefully

This is one of the most common lies we tell. We want to live without problems, so we lie instead of facing the truth. We don’t want to be the next ones to suffer, so we negotiate the truth with lies. Life may feel safer this way, but in the end, we are still accountable for our wrong actions.

I don’t know why you lie. It might be for these reasons or others. But lies shouldn’t be spoken. We all know this, and we teach our children the same. It’s better to speak the truth. It brings inner peace and helps reduce our sins. Stop telling lies, as they have no legs.

Ending Thoughts

Until we meet again, stay curious, stay connected, and above all, stay true to yourself.
If you have any questions or further inquiries, feel free to reach out to me through my contact information provided below:

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