Explore the town of Dharamshala - Little Tibet in the Dauladhar range

27 May 2024

The town of Dharamshala is in the northern Indian state of Himachal Pradesh and surrounded by the Himalayas, the area has cold winters and pleasant summers.

Dharamshala or Dharamsala (same place, slightly different spelling) is located in the northwestern state of Himachal Pradesh in Kangra, India. It is one of the hill stations in Himachal Pradesh.

Dharamshala is an area and also its own town, and within the Dharamshala area there are also McLeod Ganj, Dharamkot and Bhagsu. So when you are visiting Dharamshala, that area is along with other towns and villages.

Dharamsala was a British hill station during the colonial period. After the British left and was abandoned, it was occupied by fleeing Tibetans, including the Dalai Lama who now lives here. Today, tourists flock to this popular area, especially in the summer when it seems packed.

The Dharamsala area is in the northern Indian state of Himachal Pradesh and is surrounded by the Himalayas. Along with other towns like Shimla, Dalhousie and Manali, this area has cold winters and pleasant summers.

Winter in Dharamsala lasts from November to March and temperatures drop below freezing. This is a great time to see snowy mountains if you can handle it. The peak season is from March to September and this is also the most ideal time for trekking.

When tourists talk about staying in Dharamsala town, McLeod Ganj is often the place they talk about. A few miles north of Dharamsala town (or six miles via the loop bus route), McLeod Ganj is the residence of the 14th Dalai Lama and is home to a large Tibetan population, including many monks. The nun wears a maroon robe. The Tibetan Government in Exile is headquartered in Gangchen Kyishong.

McLeod attracts thousands of international visitors, many of whom volunteer with the Tibetan community, taking courses in Buddhism, meditation or yoga, trekking in the Dhauladhar mountains, shopping for handicrafts Tibet or simply hang out to enjoy a sense of spirituality and countless delicious cafes where you'll never be far from a good conversation.

Tourist places in Dharamshala town

Based on the 3 main areas of Dharamshala – Mcleod Ganj, Dharamkot and Bhagsu, here are the main things to do and all these destinations can be visited with just a short walk

Dalai Lama Temple

Also known as Tsuglagkhang complex, this small religious site in Mcleod Ganj is worth a visit. It won't be the most special temple you'll see in India but it's certainly different; nothing like the Hindu and Sikh temples you find elsewhere. The Dalai Lama built this temple when he fled Tibet and still visits to talk.

At 1:30 p.m. (except Sundays), you can watch monks debate passionately in the central courtyard under tall tarpaulins, fairground style. Clockwise you will pass the pilgrims' prostration area, then the door on the right of the westernmost building leads into the Kalachakra 'Wheel of Life' Temple (do not take photos) with its statues and enchanting mandala. Returning through the monastery's kitchens, the final stop is the temple's main room which has beautiful statues and a throne on which the Dalai Lama sits when teaching.

As well as being an important pilgrimage site for many people, it is free for tourists to visit the town of Dharamsala. Spin the prayer wheel, listen to the sounds of Tibetan gongs, and take in the mountain views. It's a peaceful place except for the noisy monkeys jumping on the roof. Cameras are not allowed inside the main temple but it is stunning with really colorful, unusual artwork on the walls.

Deden Tsuglagkhang Temple is an elegant stone structure built along traditional Tibetan lines. Its main focus is the 14-foot-tall gilded bronze Buddha statue made by the Norbulingka Sculpture Studio, surrounded by exquisite paintings and murals done by Thangka painters.

Bhagsu Falls

For a short hike in Mcleod Ganj, trek to Bhagsu Falls in the Bhagsu Nag area of ​​the town. It's about a 40-minute walk from Mcleod Ganj and you can stop for coffee and mountain views at Open Heart Cafe, a great resting spot with stunning views.

Bhagsu Falls is not the biggest or most amazing waterfall in Dharamsala town, but it is a great way to go to Mcleod Ganj to enjoy the fresh mountain air.

Tibet Museum

If you don't know, Tibet was once a prosperous country until China invaded in 1949. While some Tibetans fled to Nepal and India, the rest faced cleansing. culture: they were forced to speak Mandarin and learn from Chinese textbooks. Their religion, culture and cuisine influence. This unmissable two-story museum serves to remind visitors of Tibet's history as an independent nation, and of China's occupation and efforts to counter Tibetan resistance. This is impressively shown through photos and clear explanations in English.

Visiting the Tibet Museum is the most important thing to do in Mcleod Ganj. It only takes an hour to walk around and read everything, entry is free. You will not only understand more about Dharamsala town but also learn about what is happening in Tibet

Norbulingka Institute

Situated peacefully among bamboo, trees and flowing water, the delightful Norbulingka institute, 6km southeast of Dharamsala town, was established in 1988 to teach and preserve traditional Tibetan art forms. It is a beautiful and fascinating place to visit, you can watch artisans at work carving wood, making metal statues, thangka painting and embroidery.

Upon request, one of the staff will show you around. At the center of the complex is a colorful temple, surrounded by neighboring buildings are an upscale store selling institute products and a small doll museum illustrating traditional culture. The hotel and on-site restaurant-cafe are both great options


Men-Tsee-Khang is an organization established to preserve the traditional arts of Tibetan medicine and astrology. The Gangchen Kyishong branch includes a college, clinic, research center and astrological institute along with a well-explained museum.

The museum includes illustrated thangkas, medicinal samples, plant and mineral sources as well as instruments that were used for a number of treatments

Men-Tsee-Khang also occasionally organizes short courses on the basics of Tibetan medicine. Folk astrologers can do a 45-minute oral consultation or a detailed online horoscope which you will receive via email and hard copy within four months

Masroor rock-cut temple

If you want to see a place almost like Cambodia in Dharamshala town? Visit Masroor rock cutting temple located 40 km from Kangra. These monolithic structures, designed in the Indo-Aryan style, are famous as the Himalayan pyramids, which are also a very famous archaeological site.

There are a total of 15 temples carved from the same rock, of which the main temple, called Thakurdwara, was built for Lord Rama, Lakshman and Sita. Legend has it that the temples were built by the Pandavas after they were exiled from their kingdom. They stayed here for a long time.

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