20 Jan 2024

First posted on https://www.publish0x.com/?a=46dBr8Dod7

Good morning/evening.
If you have read any of my portfolio posts in the past, you may have noticed that I had no ETH for a long time, but the husband wanted some, everyone told me I should have some so I had a tiny DCA bot for ETH. I have recently sold that ETH for a small profit, It isn't even that I don't think ETH will go up, as I believe it will go up even further but I sold it anyway as I wanted to top up on some other crypto.
I just don't get ETH......at all. 
BTC I get and I love it, I have L1s in my portfolio, I have some midcaps and even have some microcaps now. I even FOMOed into some meme coins so I'm not adverse to different tokens ( I probably have too many as when David aka husband asked me to list every token I had, I missed a few off). But ETH perhaps it is just not for me. I know a bit about the tech but have never researched ETH properly. 
That brings me back to today and ETH. I had to do a transaction that I have been putting off for ages. It was WBTC so I had to use Ethereum. 1 dropped transaction, 1 hour and $50 dollars later it was done and apparently ETH gas was low at that time! Ffs really! Once I was no longer on Ethereum but on Polygon the gas was $0.01, nice eh. The night before my 9 transactions on Solana only cost me $0.0005!
Perhaps I went about the transaction wrong, I don't know but who wants to spend $50 on gas! 
I just do not understand why people would want to use Ethereum and pay those fees, is it a bit of a status symbol? Maybe like driving a Ferrari instead of a Ford. I understand that the Ethereum update will reduce fees for its L2's but did read that the gas fees for Ethereum might even go up. 
What are your thoughts on this? Do you use Ethereum regularly? Do the fees put you off using Ethereum? It does for me but perhaps when all my tokens have mooned and my realised profits are huge I won't care about gas lol!
As always, thank you for reading and please feel free to comment, I would love to hear other views on this.

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