The Importance of Family

1 Jun 2024

Good Morning Bulb Family!

Greetings, everyone!


Hello everyone! I hope you all guys are having a good day. I am also feeling good today.My roommates and I are returning today after finishing our classes. The temperature was around 48 degrees Celsius, which made us quite annoyed. None of us had visited our families since the semester began. One of my roommates mentioned that his family called him because he hasn't been home in a long time.

His family is quite obnoxious. We were all talking about how annoying everything has been lately. Classes aren't going well because our schedules are so messed up.

Note: This article is also published on my account.

Now, I think it's time to delve into today's topic. But before I begin, if you haven't checked out my previous articles, I encourage you to do so.

Anxiety attacks because of hot temperatures.

Exciting News at Lunch

At the lunch table, this topic held my attention the entire time. As we were walking back to our room, something unexpected happened: I received a phone call that filled me with joy. It was a call from home, and they told me that one of my uncles would be visiting the next day. My enthusiasm stems from the fact that he is visiting from another country. I first met him in sixth grade. Later, he brought a PlayStation for me, and we have been communicating on social media since then.

A Special Bond

Image from Unsplash

We had a friendship-like bond. He promised to visit last year, but he was unable to do so due to Covid-19. You can probably guess how I'm feeling right now as I type this. I am really excited while writing this essay.

Admiration for Canadian Culture

By the way, my uncle is Canadian. He works for a software company and likes to talk about his job and the area where he lives. I really admire their culture. I told all my friends about his visit, and one of them mentioned that he is going back to his hometown as well. This is pretty awesome, especially because we were feeling incredibly tired and mentally exhausted earlier in the morning. Now, we're feeling joyful because we're going back to our hometowns, where we can see our family members.

The Importance of Family

You can’t imagine what fate has in store for us. It’s the little things that make our lives so enjoyable and happy. Sometimes, seeing your loved ones can change your whole mood, and even talking to them can bring about a big change. This is what we call family love and affection. While I was writing this, my two other friends were packing their bags with happy faces, which also made me smile. Then they both left for their hometowns. We hope to see each other in three days. Until then, I hope we enjoy our precious time with our families and have a wonderful three days. Well, that’s pretty much it for today.

Ending Thoughts

Image from Unsplash

Until we meet again, stay curious, stay connected, and above all, stay true to yourself.
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