Secularism and Sharia: Differences, Advantages, Disadvantages and Which One is More Important for a

25 Jan 2024

Different societies around the world adopt different forms of government, and in this context, concepts such as secularism and sharia come to the fore. In this article, we will discuss what secularism and sharia are, their differences, advantages, disadvantages and which one is more important for a beautiful world.

What is Secularism?
Secularism is a form of government in which the state is neutral in religious affairs and allows individuals freedom of religion. The secular state separates religion and state affairs, does not give any special privilege to any religion, and respects individuals for different religions and beliefs.
The principle of secularism limits the state's direct control over religious institutions and aims to establish a fair balance between members of society with different beliefs, sects or worldviews. The secular state accepts that religion is an individual choice and bases its public policies on universal values ​​and legal rules, not on religious beliefs.
Secularism, in particular, advocates that public services and education be purified from religious elements, that individuals should freely practice their religious beliefs, and that the state should maintain a neutral attitude. This principle supports social diversity by allowing individuals and communities of different religions to live together in peace. Some countries, such as Türkiye, have constitutionally adopted and implemented the principle of secularism.

The founder of Turkey, the great leader Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, defines secularism as follows: Secularism does not only mean the separation of religion and world affairs. It also means freedom of conscience, worship and religion for all citizens.

What is Sharia?
Sharia is a system of religious governance based on Islamic law. This term is of Arabic origin and means "way" or "law". According to Islamic belief, sharia is based on God's provisions stated in the Quran and hadiths. Sharia contains a wide range of provisions, from the personal life of a Muslim to the order of society.
Sharia may be the primary source of law of the state in many Muslim countries and determines the governance of the state. In Sharia states, religious leaders or legal authorities determine and enforce the rules for the life of the society. Sharia provides comprehensive guidance in the areas of moral, social, economic and criminal law.
Sharia law can be interpreted and applied according to many different Islamic sects. Therefore, the interpretation and application of sharia may differ in different Islamic countries or communities. For some Muslims, Sharia represents a system of religious law that offers comprehensive guidance, while for others it may refer to a broader form of social order and governance.
Sharia has been the subject of much debate today. While some argue that sharia provides a social order in accordance with religious teachings, others criticize it on the grounds that it restricts individual freedoms and violates various human rights. Opinions on the implementation of sharia vary widely between countries and communities.

Differences between Secularism and Sharia

Religion-State Relationship
Secularism: Religion and state are separate.
Sharia: The state is based on the teaching of religion.

Freedom of Religion
Secularism: provides freedom of religion to everyone.
Sharia: aspects are based on Islam and allow freedom for other religions within limits.

Legal System
Secularism: Law is based on secular foundations.
Sharia: Law is based on the holy books of Islam.

Gender Equality
Secularism: Gender equality is often emphasized.
Sharia: Gender equality may be better in some relationships.

Advantages of Secularism and Sharia
Secularism: Religious freedom and diversity. It provides equal rights to everyone. It can increase social diversity and resilience.
Sharia: It offers a common value system to society. It has the potential to protect moral values.

Disadvantages of Secularism and Sharia
Secularism: It may be perceived by some as a weakening of religious values. Diversity in moral values ​​can lead to values.
Sharia: Freedom of religion can be limited and lead to a lack of freedom. It carries the risk of gender inequality and restriction of individual freedoms.

Which is More Important for a Beautiful and Livable World?
For a beautiful and livable world, secularism has the potential to offer individuals flexibility, freedom and liberation policies within a wide range of religions and cultures. A secular system encourages people with different beliefs and worldviews to live together. A beautiful world is possible when freedom, liberty and freedom are combined with respect for human rights.
Since sharia systems are generally based on a specific religious foundation, unlimited freedom is granted to other beliefs. This can lead to difficulties in embracing social diversity and differences.
As a result, a secular order provides a more suitable basis for building a beautiful and livable world by ensuring the peaceful coexistence of different beliefs and cultures. However, for its society to be different and for secularism and sharia to be implemented effectively, a democratic process and respect for human rights are essential.

Countries Overned by Sharia Law
Countries governed by Sharia generally refer to countries where Islamic law (Sharia) is taken as a basis and their administration is governed based on this law. Sharia, the holy book of Islam, the Quran, and the hadiths containing the abundance of the prophets, is the basic legal system of financial transactions. This diversity is the main source that distributes the laws of sharia, order.
There may be different rates and practices among countries governed by Sharia law. Some apply sharia only in certain areas, such as family law and private practice, while others adopt sharia provisions more broadly in social, economic and criminal assemblies.

Here are some examples
Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia has one of the strictest implementations of Sharia law in the world. In these countries, sharia, the basic legal system of the state, is established. Criminal law, rules of law and family law are largely based on the maintenance of sharia.

The Islamic Republic of Iran was established after the Islamic revolution and its basic legal system is based on sharia. The Spiritual leader, the head of state of Iran, is both a religious and political leader.

Although Afghanistan has experienced different legal systems in various periods in terms of geography, a Sharia-based system of Taliban administration has been established. As of 2021, with the Taliban coming to power again, a sharia-based government began to be adopted in the countries.

As listed in these examples, there are differences in implementation and interpretation between countries governed by sharia. In which areas and in what detail Sharia will be implemented may vary depending on the political and cultural context of the countries.

Countries Governed by Secularism
Secularism is a form of government in which the state, religion and politics are separate. Secular states grant religious freedom to individuals, keep equal distance from different religions and beliefs, do not interfere in their affairs, and adopt a legal system in which everyone has equal rights. Here are some countries governed based on the principle of secularism

Turkey is a country known for the secularism reforms made by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. The Republic of Turkey has adopted the principle of secularism and secured the principle of secularism in the Constitution. Religious affairs are separate from the state, and secularism in Turkey is carried out effectively in public institutions and education policy.

France adopted the principle of secularism as marriage and ensured "secularism" (laïcité) in the name of legal assurance with a law adopted in 1905. French secularism represents a model in which religious regulations are systematic and separate from religion. In France, the use of religious symbols is restricted in public schools.

India is a country that has adopted the principles of secularism in its constitution. India's secular model advocates freedom of religion and equality of different religious groups. The state does not interfere in its affairs and respects the individual's right to freely choose his own religious belief.

Japan has a secular model that keeps religion and state separate. Although traditional Japanese religions such as Shinto and Buddhism are culturally important, the state does not grant these religions official status, and religious beliefs are reserved for individuals.
This broad principle of secularism provides an environment in which people of different religions and beliefs have equal rights, freedom of religion is protected, and there is storage. However, the practice of secularism differs in each country and may vary depending on various social and factors.

According to These Two Management Styles, Which Countries are More Successful and Compared to What?
An evaluation based on how the term "success" is defined, over what time periods it is measured, and from what perspective it is evaluated. Distribution of a number of factors of success, such as economic development, education system, democratic standards, respect for human rights, rule of law. Additionally, evaluating success may also depend on the value brilliance of the person evaluating.

Countries Governed by Sharia
Religious Stability: Countries governed by Sharia law generally provide a social order based on religious norms.
Moral Values: Sharia can emphasize the values ​​of data by setting social norms.
Social Unity: There is the potential to achieve social unity based on common religious foundations.

Individual Liberties: Individuals' freedoms can often be restricted.
Diversity and Tolerance: There may be low rates of tolerance and acceptance of different religions and beliefs.
Democratic Deficiencies: Sharia may often be contrary to democratic principles.

Countries Governed by Secularism
Freedom of Religion: Secularism allows individuals freedom of religion.
Diversity and Tolerance: Secular states may show greater tolerance for different religions and beliefs.
Individual Freedoms: Secularism protects personal freedoms.

Social Norms: Some of them can pave the way for parts of the norms that come with secularism.
Religious Stability: Under some system conditions, overall performance and value loss as the influence of religion decreases.
Democratic Deficiencies: Secularism can also provide the basis for secular authoritarian governments that will negatively affect democracy.

Assessing whether a country is successful is a complex issue and depends on many factors. Most experts argue that secular states that are democratic, respect human rights, are based on the rule of law, are economically developed, and have an educated and diverse society are generally more sustainable and successful. However, success may vary depending on the unique circumstances and societal needs of each country.
General comparisons of the success of countries governed by sharia or countries governed by secularism are difficult because this assessment is subjective and multidimensional. But we can consider some general events.

Countries Governed by Sharia
Countries governed by Sharia law often advocate a social order based on religious norms and may emphasize core values. However, any freedoms that may exist may often be restricted and there may be low tolerance for different beliefs. They may be subject to criticism mainly regarding democracies and human rights.

Countries Governed by Secularism
Secular states can promote diversity and tolerance by allowing individuals broad freedom of religion and belief. The personal freedoms of the possessed are generally more protected.
However, there may be criticism that the norms that come with secularism lead to their freedom. First of all, it should be noted that these generalizations should take into account the specific conditions of the country and the historical burning. It is also important to remember that his two management models have different forms and degrees of implementation.

As a result, it is important to make an effort to make an objective assessment of whether a country is successful or not, using a broad perspective and multiple measurements.

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