12 Things You Need To do Before You're 30
Photo by Jed Villejo on Unsplash
Life ideally should be lived without pressure. But let's be honest, some things are better done when you're young, single, and without too many people depending on you.
In this article, we've listed 12 things you should do before you're 30. Suppose you're already 30, no worries. You might still have the opportunity to do one of these activities. But if you're in your 20's, let's dive in.
See also; 5 Signs Youβre Settling for an Average Life.
12 Things You Need To do Before You're 30
1. Understand Yourself
You need to know everything about yourself and that part of you that lives inside you. What do you want in life? Do you want to start a family? What kind of people do you want to raise your kids with?
What's more important to you? What is something you would never do, no matter what? What do you like to do? What makes you happy, and what makes you sad?
Find out if you are shy or outgoing, if you have a bad habit and how to fix it, what makes you happy, what makes you sad, and what you hate. These may seem like simple questions, but they are important because they are a part of who you are. Your 20s is the time to ask yourself some soul-searching questions.
2. Understand your body
One of life's most important things is knowing yourself and your body. You need to understand what your body can handle and what it can't. You need to learn about yourself and accept yourself as you are. If you can improve something, do it, but most of all, accept yourself.
You'll be happy because you're unique. Nothing should make you confused because life is simple. Just be happy with who you are.
3. Live on your own
Before you turn 30, you should have lived on your own without your parents. Even though it will be a financial challenge, it will help you get ready for the good things in life and teach you how to take better care of your money.
4. Take a Solo trip
In your 20s, you're old enough not to depend on your parents but still young enough to do unexpected things. Use your youth and freedom to travel somewhere far away, go backpacking, or take a road trip.
This could be one of those scary things. At first, going on a trip alone can be scary, but it can also be a very rewarding experience that makes you feel free and independent.
On a trip like this, you meet many new people and learn new things that you can add to your still-developing personality. In your 20s, when you have fewer commitments, it's a good time to see the world because, after 30, it's harder to find the time and the excuse to do so.
5. Save some money
Think you're too young to start saving? You're not right. This is the best time to start saving and getting your finances in order, no matter how bad they are. Start by saving for short-, medium-, and long-term goals. These can be simple things like a cell phone, a trip, and a car.
6. Challenge yourself
We know this is an old tip, but it does work. If you give yourself new challenges all the time, you can get over many of your fears, and you can start with simple things. For example, if you like to try new things, it's time to jump out of a plane with a parachute, climb a big mountain, or go swimming naked. Nothing too much, everything just right.
7. Fall in love
You have to find someone in your twenties who makes you think the world is great, even if it's just for five minutes. Also, you should get some dating experience in your twenties, so be ready to go out with people you love and people you never thought you would.
8. Learn the basics of how to invest.
Also, start learning about investing. It's easy to put your savings into simple investments, and you can even learn to use more complicated financial products like stocks, investment funds, fintech, and cryptocurrencies.
9. Work for something or someone you believe in
Even though making money is important, we think the most important thing to do in your twenties is to work for causes you care about. Find that job or someone you can relate to and see what it's like to work there.
10. Give back to society
When you're in your 20s, it's best to realize that the world isn't very fair and that you can always do something to help people you may never meet.
Whether you sign up to volunteer, work directly with a community, or give money to someone who didn't ask for it, you can learn the value of giving back in any of these ways.
11. Learn how to make meals
You should learn to cook at least one dish before you turn 30; it can be something simple or your favorite, and then you can learn to prepare more if you prefer. Knowing how to cook allows you to entertain friends and family at your home, and it's a well-known fact that women like guys who can whip up a tasty meal.
12. Throw yourself a birthday party.
If you've never had a birthday party, 30 is the ideal time to have one. Go on! You made it this far, so you have every reason to celebrate. Hurray.
Some things are better done when you're young, single, and without too many people depending on you. Your 20s is the time to ask yourself some soul-searching questions. Use your youth and freedom to travel somewhere far away, go backpacking, or take a road trip. Your 20s is a good time to see the world. After 30, finding the time and excuse to do so is harder.
This is the best time to start saving and getting your finances in order. Learn how to invest, start dating, and learn how to cook.