
23 Oct 2022

Safety is just simply being safe and being protected from harm or danger that could be a risk to lives and properties.
Safety should simply be carried out in the homes, offices, companies, organizations, educational institutions ets. Being safe is always guaranteed if we carry out simple safety measures wherever we find ourselves. Some safety measures to carry out are:
Reading instruction manuals on how touse equipments
Wearing protective clothings where necessary
Not getting drunk when on wheels
Turning off electrical appliances when not in use etc.
Using a seatbelt when driving on the road etc.
Importance of safety are as follows:
A safety workplace protects workers from injuries and illness
It lowers cost of mone that would have been spent in health centres if any of the workers got sick
Increases productivity
Safety is good for business.
Prevention of loss of lives.
Prevention of loss of properties.
Improves compliance with laws and regulations.

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