Axion Protocol

21 Aug 2024

Hello everyone, I am happy to be here and write my first article on this site. I greet everyone with respect and love and wish them to write successful articles.

As we all know, many projects try to make progress without caring about the community and end up making disappointing decisions for the community. There are probably some of you who have experienced this at least once.
Now I want to tell you about a project. When you examine this project, which is aware of what it does, you will understand that it does not pay high amounts of money to influencers to advertise, and that it is not inflated like useless projects that were launched as balloons.
Aware of the quality of his work, Vivek Sharma (CEO) explains his project through modest AMA sessions and makes efforts to spread the benefits offered by his project to people.

I would like to welcome you to Axion Protocol

Addressing the issues that hinder the mass adoption of Solana, such as congestion and the difficulty of writing programs, this project aims to solve the problem of network traffic congestion in two ways.

  1. Localized gas prices: Contracts with higher than average spam exposure are often the cause of issues. They want to prevent spam behavior by increasing gas prices for these contracts and keeping prices low everywhere else.
  2. Application-specific L2: Any popular and widely used application should have its own blockchain. They will streamline this process and allow these applications to share liquidity on the main L1 chain while keeping their own custom logic separate. Setting up such chains will be simple as they will maintain security and integrity.

Solana’s programming difficulty comes from a number of constraints aimed at increasing its speed and efficiency. Commonly used languages ​​like Rust require a steep learning curve. To overcome this challenge, we are introducing Python, which is written for writing smart contracts in Axion. These contracts will be translated into the same machine code as Rust, providing similar levels of performance

Addressing the issues that hinder the mass adoption of Solana, such as congestion and the difficulty of writing programs, this project aims to solve the problem of network traffic congestion in two ways.

Axion isn’t just about speed; it’s about empowering you. Axion is the fastest modular execution layer on the market. They never compromise on security or flexibility. Their focus is laser-sharp, and their goal is to give us the tools and performance we need to create amazing things.

I strongly recommend you to examine and explore this project and evaluate the opportunities it will provide. I will leave the links to Axion Protocol below for you. They have an excellent mode (ID:decentralized world) that cares about their community. Also, the project owner is often in contact with people on the Discord channel.

Discord: (with my ref)

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