Life lessons

6 Jun 2023

I see you looking at your kids and wondering about their futures.
If you check some of the responses, you may be able to see their future.

Have you taught children the value of honesty?
Have you imparted kindness to them?
Have you imparted knowledge to them?
did you have to be colorblind?

Have you given them any instruction on how to show compassion for the disabled?
At bedtime, do you read to them?
Have you instructed them in prayer?

Have you had a chance to let them know?
How miraculous is life?
How can we appreciate nature and spread its beauty?

Have you emphasized to them the value of respecting one another?
being thankful rather than arrogant
When do you find good fortune?

Do you make it clear to them that you love them, letting them know that it is one thing they will never be without?

We like to believe we gave it our best effort.
That is very true at times.
All of my questions can you answer "yes"?
I'll let you decide that.

I hope your response is "yes," because if it is, I am confident that you will experience the happy fut
ure you were meant to have.

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