Solar eclipses in human history

18 Feb 2023

Solar eclipses in human history

In ancient times, solar eclipses caused a superstitious horror among people. Not knowing the reasons for the eclipse, people used their imagination to paint the picture.

Panicked people scattered, seeking refuge from the phenomenon, which they believed meant the wrath of the gods. The braver ones, eager to "save the sun from the dragon," quickly armed themselves with the means at hand (tambourines, drums, spears and stones) and, raising an unimaginable noise, hurled arrows, spears and stones at the monster.

To their joy, they soon found the narrow sickle of the sun reappearing from behind a black circular flap in the sky. And finally the sun took up its usual form again. With joy the people went about their business, satisfied that they had saved the sun from misfortune.
Mohenjo-Daro excavated from the ground

The city was under many meters of clay and sand. It is believed to have been destroyed by a nuclear attack in the distant past. All because of elevated radiation levels.

Similarly, many other cities were dug up in the XIX-XX centuries. Sometimes the "cultural layers" could reach 12 meters. Only where did this clay and sand come from? There is no answer.

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