The NFT Collection of Pioneers: Levels of Rarity and Use

6 Jun 2024

The NFT Collection of Pioneers: Levels of Rarity and Use

Exclusive 1:1 bespoke profile images (PFPs) from the PIONEERS NFT collection honor pioneers and leaders in the NEAR ecosystem. These NFTs, which stand for developers, businesspeople, artists, and civic leaders, capture the essence of important figures influencing the direction that decentralized technology will take.Three hundred unique NFTs from our exclusive collection will be given away to the community in multiple rounds. Each round and rarity grade will have an impact on each NFT's benefits.

Recognizing NFT Rarity

Four (4) separate classes of rarity make up the PIONEERS NFT collection, each of which represents a unique kind of visionary in our environment. These grades are more than simply digital assets; they also help with project development and open up different services and rights within the NEAR community. Here's a quick overview of every grade:

1. NEAR Giants

Embodying the giants of innovation and the ecosystem's leaders. These individuals created the current WEB3 universe.

2. NEAR Alphas

Intended for significant influencers who operate in various capacities within the decentralized NEAR environment.

3. Community leaders

This grade strengthens communities and provides more utility advantages, honoring people that foster community engagement and progress.

4. Nearians

These NFTs offer a strong foundation of benefits and are committed to the large community of supporters and enthusiasts. The majority of them depict arbitrary "nearians," thus you can use them as web3 avatars.


More than just having a digital asset, owning a PIONEERS NFT entitles you to join a select group of supporters and enthusiasts that value decentralization and community-driven development as revolutionary forces. Whether you're a fervent supporter or a powerful Alpha in the NEAR Protocol, our NFTs provide you the connections, resources, and tools you need to succeed in the NEAR ecosystem.


Every HODLer will be surprised by the value of PIONEERS NFTs. Watch this space for updates, and become our Telegram follower. I'll only give you a small amount of hind. A preview of the utilities according to rarity is shown here:
1. Availability of future airdrops
2. Access to special events and materials
3. Splitting earnings from neighborhood initiatives
4. Unlock unique characteristics and rarity

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