Pump Market Event: [Reshare Post] - Get Token Pump

24 Mar 2024

Pump Market Event: [Reshare Post]
Reward:110 Points
Register: https://pump.markets ➜Code: 97450061
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Tired of losing out on yield and locking up capital in clunky, expensive pre-market platforms? We're revolutionizing the game by introducing P2P Trading for points and pre-market tokens that eliminates these pain points and earn up to ~15% yield on collateral.

Point Markets


  • Capital Inefficiency: Existing P2P OTC platforms like Whales Market require two-sided collateral where both buyer and seller lock up funds, leading to significant capital inefficiency. Additionally, sellers are hesitant to list points early due to long lock-up periods.
  • Lost Yield: Locking up capital in pre-market token allocations means high opportunity cost in terms of yield. As an example, Ethereum currently generates 4% yield.

Why Now?

  • Maturing Point Systems: Point systems are becoming increasingly robust and standardized, while yield generating assets are becoming more attractive as more capital enters Web3 through wider retail and institutional adoption. This creates a higher demand for points, which also extends to pre-market tokens.

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