Featured in The Cyber Express Magazine

4 Sept 2024

It is my absolute honor to be in this month's issue of The Cyber Express by Cyble, discussing the importance of knowing your cyber adversaries, how good leadership is crucial to success, and the ways AI will change cybersecurity forever!  I made the cover with Cathy Pedrayes, who discusses good cybersecurity practices for everyone, and Dr. Sheeba Armoogum, an expert on cyberpsychology who connects our behaviors to tech security!

Even in the technology rich environment of cybersecurity, understanding the adversaries, improving behaviors, and aligning to evolving expectations is the key to long-term success! Advancing the human side of the equation is the single most impactful maneuver we can make to improve cybersecurity, yet it is often overlooked. In the September 2024 issue of The Cyber Express, Cathy, Sheeba, and myself explore different perspectives on this theme.

The Cyber Express magazine is free to download, but is behind a registration wall. https://thecyberexpress.com/critical-infrastructure-and-cybersecurity-challenges/

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