Life's Twists and Turns: From Crushes to Kitchen Blunders

6 May 2024

Good Afternoon Bulb Family!

Greetings, everyone!


Hey everyone! I hope you're all having a fantastic day. A few days ago, our dear friend shared some questions, promising chocolates to whoever answers them all. Well, in my eagerness for chocolates, here I am, ready to tackle those questions. Hehe, chocolates truly hold a special place in my heart.

Even if given the choice between millions of USDT and chocolates, I'd go for the chocolates without a second thought! Hehe, I guess you can see just how much I adore chocolates. 😄

Note: This article is also published on my account.

Now, I think it's time to delve into today's topic. But before I begin, if you haven't checked out my previous articles, I encourage you to do so.

How your pet thinks about you!!!

What is your greatest lie?

Image from Unsplash

"Ah, that's a tough question for me. You see, I have a habit of joking around and telling little lies, but there's one serious lie I've been carrying with me, and I need to get it off my chest. I haven't had the courage to tell my parents about it, so I'll share it here to lighten my burden. At the start of this semester, my mom expressed high hopes for me, wanting me to excel and become a successful programmer.

I was doing well initially, but then COVID hit, disrupting everything. With the shift to online learning, I ended up failing a subject, which significantly impacted my CGPA. Not wanting to disappoint my mom, I lied and told her I had good grades and a decent CGPA. She was thrilled, but now, I'm overwhelmed with guilt and anxiety, dreading the day she finds out the truth. I also lied about the fees for that failed subject, which added another layer of regret. It's weighing heavily on me, and I can't bear to think about her disappointment when she eventually learns the truth. It's a burden I can't shake off.

Who is your hidden crush?

Image from Google

Hehe, I've had quite a few crushes over the years. Back in school, I had a massive crush on one of my teachers. Oh, words can't do justice to her beauty—long hair, green eyes, she was just enchanting. And these days, my biggest crush is on Selena Gomez. To me, she's the epitome of beauty. I'm sure you're familiar with her, she's an incredible singer. I've actually had over a hundred crushes, but I won't bore you by listing them all. Hehe.

Did someone get Punishment For Your Deeds?

Haha, many times my little brother has been punished because of my actions. Once, while my brother and I were riding a bike, I was also using my mobile phone. Unaware, I drove over a small hole, causing significant damage to the bike. Thankfully, we were both safe. When we got home, I told my father that my little brother had been dancing on the back of the bike, causing me to lose balance and crash. Hehe, my father punished my little brother for this, unaware of the truth. There have been many incidents like this, but I can't share them all here.

Ever Cooked Food Without Salt?

I think I'm the only one who still doesn't know how to cook, apart from making tea, of course. Hehe, I'm a tea lover through and through. Last year, my friends asked me to cook in the hostel, and you won't believe what happened—I accidentally used sugar instead of salt! Hehe, the lighting was a bit dim, so I mistook the sugar for salt since they looked similar and were both in granular form. It was quite a disastrous experience. That's all for today.

Ending Thoughts

Actually, I'm sorry for the rough draft of this article. I know it's not up to par, but I've been quite busy and rushed. Today is a festival at our university, and we've been busy with preparations. I'm not taking part in any skits, but hey, I'll be part of the audience, so that's something! Hihi.

Until we meet again, stay curious, stay connected, and above all, stay true to yourself.
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