new day

13 Jan 2024
When the curtain of the night is lifted,
Pinkish lights spread across the sky.
A new day is rising, full of hopes,
It will surround us with the love in our hearts.

As the sun slowly rises on the horizon,
Say goodbye to the night and the moonlight goes out.
A new page opens in the book of life,
He waits for the excitement that tomorrow will bring.

Nature wakes up with the light touch of the wind,
Flowers bow their heads, birds sing freedom songs.
A new day means a new chance,
Mistakes are left behind, hopes flourish.

One hits the road, chasing tomorrow,
An adventure full of unknowns awaits.
Life offers as much beauty as it smiles,
A new day is an opportunity to start everything.

We open our eyes to a brand new day,
Our loved ones in our arms, our friends next to us.
Our hearts overflow with the beauties of tomorrow,
We set off, towards a hopeful future.

Maybe tomorrow could be better than today,
In this magical adventure full of unknowns.
But with hope, love, resistance,
We wait for the good things that tomorrow will bring us.

good luck and have fun :)

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