A Nation Reborn: A Poem for Nigeria on Independence Day.

1 Oct 2024

October 1st, the dawn of pride,
Nigeria, we rise, arms open wide.
A nation reborn, with strength to see,
The promise of what we can truly be.

From the Niger’s flow to Sahara’s sand,
The green earth stretches, a blessed land.
Our rivers hum, our forests breathe,
And in unity, our spirits seethe.

On this day, in 1960's dawn,
The chains were broken, the new day drawn.
With courage bright and hearts so free,
We claimed our right to liberty.

A journey long, with trials in store,
But hope in our hearts, we asked for more.
A tapestry rich, of diverse thread,
The flag of green and white we spread.

The North with its hills, the desert’s face,
Where wisdom reigns, a people’s grace.
The South, where oil and waters meet,
Its culture deep, its heart’s bold beat.

The East, with hands so skilled and true,
A land of progress, where dreams accrue.
The West, with arts and learning wide,
With ancient towns that stand with pride.

In unity, we walk as one,
Beneath the stars, beneath the sun.
Though tribes may differ, we blend the hues,
Yoruba, Hausa, Igbo views.

Nigeria, oh land of wealth untold,
Your story shines, so bright and bold.
Our people’s laughter, their resilient song,
Reminds us all, where we belong.

Through storm and struggle, through the strife,
We’ve found a way to cherish life.
With arms entwined, as one we stand,
To build our dreams upon this land.

Though shadows fall, we rise anew,
Our flag unfurled, our strength shines through.
For every tear, a future bright,
For every fall, a soaring flight.

The future calls, with hope and grace,
Nigeria strides at its own pace.
We forge ahead, with vision clear,
To build a nation we hold dear.

For in our hearts, we know it's true,
The sky is vast, the stars break through.
In unity, in love, in pride,
Nigeria, forever side by side.

So let us lift our voices high,
And watch the eagle take the sky.
With each new dawn, a chance to rise,
With dreams that stretch beyond the skies.

Oh Nigeria, our land, our home,
Through all the world, where we may roam,
We’ll cherish you, our precious land,
Together, strong, we’ll ever stand.

For Independence is not just a date,
But a symbol of our nation’s fate.
A call to strive, a call to grow,
A future bright, where peace w
ill flow.

Happy Independence, oh land so true,
Nigeria, we celebrate you!

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