Puzzles are the key to saving your memory, research finds out

28 Jan 2024

Do you enjoy solving puzzles in your free time? If so, you might be doing more than just having fun. You might also be boosting your brain health and preventing memory loss.

A recent study from August 2023 found that playing puzzles into your old age can increase both memory and concentration. The researchers tested 100 healthy adults over 50 years old and divided them into two groups. One group did jigsaw puzzles for at least one hour a day for 30 days, while the other group only received cognitive health counseling. The results showed that the puzzle group improved their puzzle skill and their visuospatial cognition, which is the ability to perceive and manipulate objects in space.

The study also found that lifetime puzzle experience was associated with better visuospatial cognition, even after accounting for other factors like education, age, and gender. This means that the more puzzles you do throughout your life, the more likely you are to preserve your mental abilities as you age.

But how do puzzles help your brain?

  1. The researchers suggest that puzzles can have two main benefits: first, they can increase your brain reserve, which is the amount of neural resources that you can use to cope with brain damage or aging. Puzzles can do this by stimulating multiple cognitive abilities, such as perception, mental rotation, working memory, reasoning, and episodic memory.

  1. Second, puzzles can reduce your stress levels, which can harm your brain and memory if they are chronic or severe. Puzzles can do this by providing a relaxing and enjoyable activity that can distract you from negative emotions and thoughts.

So, the next time you feel bored or stressed, why not try solving a puzzle? You might be surprised by how much it can improve your mood and your mind. Puzzles are not only fun but also good for your brain. They are the key to saving your memory, according to science.

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