bobo and bee and tp and chevy
this when bee bee was still alive i miss her she passed away a few days before my brithday she was a great loving dog she had a heart iusse bobo dont like me he is a really defending dog there both good dogs i like to try pat bobo but than he trys to attack me i think i was a bit rough now he hates me there all good dog i think bobo is going blind so he might attack more because when i was near mum he omost bite my mum bobo hates me to death because i was rough and i know he will never forgive me he is a old gumpy dog i guess bee bee the dog died at 13 she was a good dog she would not attack anyone but tp try to play with bobo all the time and chevy is a loving dog they love me chevy is a jumping dog there loving dogs i love them and they love me