Marvel Cinematic Universe

1 Feb 2024

Marvel Comics, which has proven itself in the cinema industry, creates wonders in the industry with the movies it releases every year. Cinema projects that break records at the box office are loved by people, and the next project is eagerly awaited. Marvel Comics ensures the continuity of the superhero stories it published in the past by turning them into movies today. It offers a new and vast world to the audience by establishing a relationship between the films it has released so far. This cinematic universe created by the films of Marvel Comics is called Marvel Cinematic Universe.

It is necessary to accept the fact that there are fans of superhero movies, as well as those who watch them just to have a good time. As a preliminary information, let's talk about the companies called Marvel Comics and "DC Comics". For audiences far from this world, there is a big and common misconception that superheroes are all created by the

same company.

Movies starring superheroes together fuel this misconception. It can be difficult for viewers (except fans) to tell which superhero is produced by which production company. To distinguish the producers of the superheroes I watched in my childhood, I would look at only one thing: Marvel Comics, the production company that serially produces sections from comic books in the movie introductions, and Marvel Comics uses this introductory image in all its films without exception. For Marvel fans, it is very simple to know the relationships between the movies and the course of the movies, but it may be difficult to understand these relationships for those who just watch Marvel movies or are new to this vast Marvel Cinematic Universe. Apart from the confusion with the DC Comics company, there is also confusion within the Marvel Comics company. Due to a bankruptcy situation that we will discuss later in our article, Marvel Comics sells the film rights of some of its superheroes. That's why Marvel Comics cannot use the heroes it had previously sold in the Marvel Cinematic Universe during this period when it was extremely powerful. In this case, he cannot use the characters he sold in the stories he wrote during the comic book period

History of Marvel Comics

Marvel Comics is a company that entered the industry as a comic book publisher. Founded in the United States, Marvel Comics is known for its comics about superheroes such as Iron Man, Spider-Man, Hulk, Thor and Ant-Man. DC Comics is one of the largest comic book companies in the United States.

It was founded by Martin Goodman in 1939 under the name "Timely Comics". Wanting to achieve the success that DC Comics has achieved with its Superman and Batman comics, Timely Comics enters the market with an anti-hero named Namor. Captain America, which would later become a legend, was released. II. After World War II, interest in superhero comics decreased. During this period, Timely Comics changes its name to Atlas Comics.

At a time when Marvel Comics is having trouble surviving, its biggest rival, DC Comics, makes a big breakthrough. Strengthening its hand with new superheroes, DC Comics gathers all its superheroes under one roof with the name "Justice League". Marvel Comics executive Martin Goodman and writer Stan Lee set out to form a superhero team that could compete with the Justice League. This breakthrough by Marvel Comics reveals the Fantastic Four.

The triumph of the Fantastic Four rescues Marvel Comics from its financial difficulties. Marvel Comics maintains its success by bringing in new writers and creating new superheroes. The popularity of the X-men comic book plays a significant role in this success. As a result, DC Comics experiences growth alongside Warner Bros. Marvel Comics, unlike DC Comics, is unwilling to sell its superheroes. However, due to their challenging economic situation, Marvel Comics is compelled to sell its superheroes to various production companies. With newfound financial prosperity, Marvel Comics promptly ventures into film production.

The cinema project started by Marvel Comics is called Marvel Cinematic Universe. Currently the project consists of 3 phases. As of 2016, the Marvel Cinematic Universe is in Phase 3.

Marvel Cinematic Universe

In this project, which is a film adaptation of its comics, Marvel Comics does not strictly adhere to the stories of the comics. Marvel Comics adds new ideas and new designs for a new scenario adapted to the age we live in. (Even in the comic book period, a superhero has more than one origin story. We can give Spider-Man as an example.) Marvel Comics is acting completely carefully and planned in its cinema project. While moving forward in this plan, he never loses the interest of the audience by playing his trump cards correctly.

While the Marvel Comics company was selling the publishing rights of superheroes during its economic difficulties, it added a clause to the sales contract stating that it could take back the movie rights if the superhero movies were not produced. Marvel Comics takes back the rights to many of its superheroes by taking advantage of this article. Since the X-Man, Fantastic Four and Spider-Man movies were successful on the big screen and their sequels were made, the rights to these superheroes are still held by different companies. We may see the superheroes for whom Marvel Comics sold the publishing rights in the Marvel Cinematic universe in the coming years. Marvel Comics is trying to make deals for its superheroes at 20th Central Fox and Sony Pictures. The first fruit of these efforts is Spider-Man's role in the movie "Captain America: Civil War". This gives followers hope for other Marvel heroes.

Infinity Stones

In Marvel Comics' Marvel Cinematic Universe project, each movie and each superhero has separate stories, as well as a common sub-story that brings all the movies together. This story tells about the war with evil forces who want to possess the 6 stones called infinity stones, which form the most powerful weapon in the universe. (I think what I will write now will not be considered a spoiler since it is known by a large audience. However, you can skip this part directly if you wish.) Towards the end of the story, the 6 infinity stones fall into the hands of a villain named "Thanos". 6 stones are collected in a glove, giving Thanos great power. Of course, what I have described is the expected scenario as long as the main lines of the comics are adhered to. No one knows what kind of innovations Marvel Comics will make in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

It is still early to give detailed information about the stones, but the names and powers of the stones are as follows:


  • It is known as the space stone and allows going to any part of the universe. First seen in Captain America: The First Avenger.


  • Known as the stone of reality. Although there is no clear information about it, it is thought to give its user many abilities. It is in the possession of a character called the Collector, who collects objects in the universe. The Collector was first seen in the movie Thor: The Dark World.


  • It is known as the mind stone and allows entering the person's mind and controlling it. He was seen in the movie Avengers: Age of Ultron as the power source of the superhero named Vision.


  • It is known as the stone of power and gives its user the power to destroy a planet. This stone is on a planet called Xander.

There are two more stones: Spirit and Time stone. However, these stones have not yet emerged. Even though there are different opinions about where the stones are, we say it is better to wait and see.

Stage 1

Marvel Comics embarked on film work after being purchased by the production company "The Walt Disney Company". The first phase of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, "1. "Era" begins with the movie Iron-Man. In this movie, which tells the story of a rich man named "Tony Stark" becoming Iron Man, information is given about the secret organization called "SHIELD". Nick Fury, the head of this organization, appears on the scene at the end of the Iron Man movie. The connection between the SHIELD organization and the films in Phase 1 is provided. 1. In the continuation of the universe, superheroes are introduced to the audience with the films Incredible Hulk, Iron Man 2, Thor, Captain America: The First Avenger. Iron Man 2 movie has an important position for the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Because it is the movie in which we learn about SHIELD and the Avengers project. Many issues begin to become clear in this movie. Additionally, the characters Black Widow and War Machine meet the audience for the first time in this movie. We see that Marvel Comics did not forget to sprinkle little crumbs about the subject of infinity stones in Phase 1 with the Tesseract shown in Captain America: The First Avenger. Phase 1, which started in 2008 with the Iron Man movie, ends in 2012 with "The Avengers", the movie of the team that brings together all the superheroes of the SHIELD organization.

Stage 2

This phase, like Phase 1, begins with the Iron Man movie. We cannot say that the movie "Iron Man 3" has a plus feature for the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It is a movie about Tony Stark's experiences after The Avengers. "Captain America: The Winter Soldier" is undoubtedly one of the most important movies for Phase 2. The character Falcon appears in this movie, which tells the adventures of Captain America and Black Widow. Additionally, the characters Quicksilver and Scarlett Witch are shown in the part that continues after the movie closes. In addition to the new characters introduced in Phase 2, infinity stones are clearly mentioned in the movie Thor - The Dark World, and the Collector we mentioned under the title of Infinity Stones appears in this movie. Avengers: Age of Ultron, undoubtedly the most trusted movie of Marvel Comics, is released in the cinema during Phase 2. The biggest contribution of this movie to the Marvel Cinematic Universe is the Scepter, one of the Infinity stones. The mind stone becomes the power source of the character Vision, who appears in this movie. With a movie shot in Phase 2, viewers are introduced to a brand new world. The movie Guardians of the Galaxy takes place in a galaxy far away from Earth. We get much more information about the infinity stones in the movie, which includes a group of 5 very different people. At the same time, the Guardians of the Galaxy movie is the movie that informs the audience about the Thanatos character we mentioned above. Marvel Comics' successful adaptation of these little-known characters into the cinema shows the importance it attaches to the Marvel Cinematic Universe project. Phase 2 ends with a new superhero and the movie of this hero. This movie introduces audiences to Ant-Man, who can shrink as much as he wants.

Stage 3

Marvel Cinematic Universe, which entered its 3rd phase in 2016, created a great impact among fans with the movie "Captain America: War of Heroes" (The original is Civil War. The comic book about this war was translated into Turkish with the name "Civil War"). (I think the team that translated the movie name into Turkish must have wanted to summarize the movie.) As can be understood from the Turkish name of the movie, the group formed under the name of Avengers in this movie comes into conflict with each other. (Of course, there are also superheroes who are not in the movie) Spider-Man and Black Panther join the Avengers for the first time in this movie. With the movie "Doctor Strange", also released in 2016, a new hero is included in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Doctor Strange introduces audiences to a world they are not used to seeing in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. You will go on a journey into the world of magic and magic with Doctor Strange, whose general feature is witchcraft. Until this movie, you will have to watch the Marvel Cinematic Universe, consisting of science, space and robots, from a brand new dimension and perspective.

As of November 2016, these are the Marvel Comics movies that met with the audience. Marvel Comics has already published a schedule of films that it will adapt to the big screen in the future. According to this schedule, it is planned to shoot sequels for previous films as well as personal films of superheroes. It is known that these movies will be about infinity stones. Apart from the Infinity Stones scenario, Marvel Comics will introduce the audience to a movie called "INHUMANS". It is thought that this movie will replace the X-Man movie, for which Marvel Comics could not get the rights back from Sony Pictures.

For those who will watch Marvel Comics movies for the first time, we give the full list of movies below.

  1. Iron Man (Iron-man) - 2008
  2. .The Incredible Hulk - 2009
  3. Iron Man 2 (Iron-man 2) - 2010
  4. Thor – 2011
  5. Captain America: First Avenger – 2011
  6. Avengers – 2012
  7. Iron Man 3 (Iron-man 3) – 2013
  8. Thor: The Dark World - 2013
  9. Captain America: The Winter Soldier – 2014
  10. Guardians of the Galaxy – 2014
  11. Avengers: Age of Ultron – 2015
  12. Ant-Man – 2015
  13. Captain America: Civil War – 2016
  14. Doctor Strange (Doctor Strange) – 2016

These are the movies that were released until November 2016. The movies that Marvel Comics will bring to the big screen in the future are as follows:

  1. Guardians of the Galaxy 2 – 05.05.2017
  2. Spider-Man: ? (Spider-Man: ?) – 28.07.2017
  3. Thor: Ragnarok – 03.11.2017
  4. Avengers (Avengers: Infinity War Part 1) – 04.05.2018
  5. Black Panther – 06.07.2018
  6. Captain Marvel (Captain Marvel) – 02.11.2018
  7. Avengers (Avengers: Infinity War Part 2) – 03.05.2019
  8. Inhumans – 12.06.2019

Marvel Comics increases the anticipation of the next movie by giving sections of the next movie and the Marvel Cinematic Universe after the closing scenes of the movies. If you want to understand the relationships and connections between Marvel movies, you should definitely watch the scenes after the closing. Marvel Comics, which introduces some of its superheroes to the audience in the television universe outside of the cinema universe, seems to not want to lose the loyalty of the audience. There are different opinions about whether Marvel Comics, which presents the stories of SHIELD agents as well as its superheroes to the audience in the form of television series, will bring together the series and cinema universes in the future. In the Phase 3 calendar, he is included in the movie called "Captain Marvel", which will meet the audience for the first time outside of INHUMANS.

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