The Preconditioned Mind & How It Defeats Investors
The Byproduct Of Information
The consumption of information and data is an unavoidable aspect of life. It takes place throughout the day, regardless of who you are, or what you do. The information you are exposed to is essentially what creates your worldview and furthermore, works to shape your opinions and viewpoints in regard to every other aspect of life. Essentially, this information creates a lens.
This is precisely why, as investors, we need to monitor what we consume. For some people, being exposed to certain information doesn’t necessarily imply consumption. The reason for this is that they have a strict diet. In a similar way that a person chooses to be selective regarding what they consume when it comes to food, more disciplined individuals filter the content they consume.
The proof of this dynamic is actually rather evident, especially in the world of Crypto, ironically enough. The Bitboy drama is a perfect example. Choosing to follow this drama is an absolute waste of time and has zero ability to enhance your Crypto activities and investments. On the other hand, consuming content that is data-driven and informative is highly beneficial.
This is especially true if consumption is followed by application. The information we expose ourselves to provides the mental fabric we use to create our viewpoints, opinions, insights, and understandings. If your daily dose of Crypto-related content evolves around the Bitboy drama and similar publications, you are at a disadvantage, simply because you have very little to work with.
Information is seldom isolated, it’s like the sun, unless you remove yourself from its exposure, you are going to get sunburnt. Ultimately, it influences the minds of those who come into contact with it. Many Crypto enthusiasts are immersed in “Crypto-related content” for much of the day. However, when you examine this content, it’s not beneficial and deceives investors into believing that they are knowledgeable.
The Consumption Of High-Quality Content
This is perhaps a subjective topic to some extent. However, quality content will always have one, or more of the following attributes:
- Informative
- Helpful
- Data-driven
- Revelatory
As always, this list can most definitely be expounded upon, but I would consider the abovementioned to provide a fairly good foundation. Do you think whales sit around watching the latest episode of he said, she said? No, they are busy analyzing data, market behavior, and leveraging their skills in regard to emotional intelligence. They don’t get caught up in pointless conversations and irrelevant content.This is ultimately why whales have such a high success rate. They expose themselves to that which will enhance their performance, and pay no attention to noise, distractions, and low-quality content. Essentially, they choose to be “conditioned” by what matters, as opposed to what is set before them. Quality content is in most cases not backed by impressive numbers. Quality is always a minority, never a majority.
This is echoed in a recent post entitled, “The Negative Majority Effect – Crypto Is Not Exempt”. Essentially, success resides with the minority, not the majority. However, audiences view this incorrectly, and so for the most part, are seldom exposed to beneficial content. Some of the highest-ranking social media accounts, in terms of followers and engagement, are actually providing some of the lowest-quality content online.
Final Thoughts
Whether you like it or not, human minds are preconditioned by what they are exposed to. The extremely disciplined are able to filter their consumption but are still subject to this rule of human behavior. So, what’s influencing and governing your Crypto decisions? An important question to consider, as it carries a lot of weight. See you next time! All the best!
First of all, I am not a financial advisor. All information provided on this website is strictly my own opinion and not financial advice. I do make use of affiliate links. Purchasing or interacting with any third-party company could result in me receiving a commission. In some instances, utilizing an affiliate link can also result in a bonus or discount.
This article was first published on Sapphire Crypto.