Real Winner !

17 Feb 2024

Gurukul examinations were over! All the students gathered in the ashram and were discussing what they were going to do after reaching home after the holidays. Then suddenly Guruji called from outside the ashram and asked all the students to gather outside in the grounds.

All the students were thinking in their mind that before going home, Guruji might give them some special gift… All the students gathered in the ground.

Guruji said- All my dear disciples, before going home, all of you should take part in a race. He put forward a condition and said – You all have to cross a dark tunnel in the race and you will face all the challenges that come in the race…

We are all fully prepared Guruji! – All the disciples said in one voice..

The race started the very next morning and all the disciples ran with great enthusiasm. When they reached the dark tunnel, everyone felt a stinging sensation in their feet. There were some sharp stones at various places, due to which the feet were badly hurt and they were all groaning in pain. Somehow the race was completed.

After completing the race, the students gathered in the ashram, then Guruji asked all the students – “Among you all, some students completed the race very quickly and some students took more time! Why so?"

Responding to this, a disciple said - Guruji, all of us students started running together but as soon as we reached the dark tunnel, our situation completely changed. Some friends were moving forward with caution due to sharp stones pricking their feet, while some friends were picking up the stones and holding them in their hands and pockets so that other friends coming behind would have to bear the pain.

Guruji said- All the disciples who have picked up the stones should come forward and show me those stones.

All the students who had picked up the stones came forward and started showing the sharp stones. Guruji took one of those stones in his hand and said - Disciples, what you all are considering as an ordinary stone are actually precious diamonds and it was I who had put them in the tunnel.

This race is showing the competition of our life. Where every person is running just to get ahead of each other. But after all, the real winner is the one who moves ahead in this race by doing good to others.
These diamonds are a gift from me to all those disciples who were removing these stones from the path after feeling the pain of someone else.

Friends, always remember one thing in life, you will be the real winner of your life only when you give importance to philanthropy.. understand the feeling of philanthropy and when you think not only about yourself but about the victory of everyone…


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