Years go by

16 Jan 2023

Hello, Old Year!

And with you, give thanks for the blessings you brought to every nation with your generous hand, abandoning your lingering steps in the wake of everything that you have instilled in people's hearts.

Hello, Old Year!

The past is waiting for you.

Who alone rules the kingdom of Oblivion under her control.

She is silent as she sits in an ebony chair, her black eyes shining gloriously beneath falling darkish hair that hides their wisdom and heavenly truth.

Unless she makes a fitful sound that sounds like it is coming from an underground cavern, she remains silent. The ancient years that surround her, however, begin to chant as they one by one impart their old experience into their song.

Hello, Old Year!

You are going alone.

Months and seasons that around you lay,

Attend to the farthest edge of Earth, then turn around! to welcome thy son.

Greetings, New Year!

Golden and white colors encased in morning clouds. I am unable to see Your face because it is shrouded in mystery. However, Spring is painting flowers for you, and Summer is decking out her woven bowers. Rich Autumn's sheaves will soon be reaped, with a store of fruits steeped in sunbeams, and one by one, with a gentle hand, folds back thy sunlit shrouds.

Greetings, New Year!

You'll emerge in all the glory of youth and its joyous attitude, shining and lovely.

the last child of the past 50 years,

The approaching victory over the ghosts of night and sin, whose cries of defeat have already begun:

You instill optimism, and work is blessed.

Bringst big ideas and activities forged in fire onto that forge of mind, and with the spirit of sincerity I believe thy youths are full, in visions of victorious repose.

Greetings, New Year!

The very winds of Heaven speak to those who pay attention, yet my speech is too feeble to convey everything I believe you have brought.

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